Chapter 1 - Dry Tears.

Start from the beginning

Adam stood lazily, and switched off the television. He hugged Leigh's jacket to his body, and wrapped his hands up in the too-long sleeves. When he had given Leigh the jacket for Christmas it was huge on her. Like a dress, covering her thin frame. Adam walked into the kitchen, his muscles aching. He saw Jasper running his hand under the sink tap.

"Hey, Jaz, what's wrong?" Adam asked his flatmate, in a concerned voice. Adam walked over to Jasper, and peered over the sink. He could see there was a swirling red pattern making its way down the drain. He looked at Jasper's hand and saw that his knuckles were bloody, and a bruise was forming on them.

"When I went out to get food and stuff, some weird old dude decided to jump me." Jasper told Adam, grimacing at the memory. "The freak looked at weird and stuff, I mean his skin was all discoloured and he tried to bite me. Yeah, bite me. That's why I punched him. Can you believe that, Adam?" Jasper looked at Adam for a response.

Adam paled when he said bite. Also, the discoloured bit had his disgruntled too. It sounded all that little bit too similar. Adam snapped himself out of his trance and responded, "Yeah, weird." He chuckled and then said "But, he didn't actually bite you, did he?"

Jasper scoffed and told Adam, "No way, dude, I punched his before he could."

Adam breathed out a sigh of relief and began unpacking the food Jasper had brought. He placed all the food in its rightful place throughout the kitchen. Adam turned to Jasper after everything was in it place. He had over compulsive disorder, just like his sister did. Jasper had gone straight in to freezer, which Adam had just sorted, and pulled out a bag of frozen peas, pretty noisily. Jasper sat down on one of the kitchen stools and placed the bag of peas on his bruised knuckles.

"You better put those back where I put them in the first place." Adam told Jasper with a smile, and sat down on the other kitchen stool besides his flat mate.

Jasper looked at him and snorted "Why would I do that? Considering that you will just move them anyway." Jasper's eyes began to scan over Adam. "Dude, are you wearing your sisters hoodie?"

Adam looked at the patterns along the kitchens work surface, and strummed his fingers along it rhythmically. He didn't want to have this talk with Jasper again. Jasper had already told him over a thousand times that he needed to let go of his sister. Adam just couldn't. It had only been six months. It wasn't like Leigh was a doll that could be replaced, she was his sister and always would be. More often than not, at the end of this so-called 'talks', Adam would storm out of the flat and go drink his troubles away. 

"Yes." Adam told Jasper quietly. Adam shot Jasper a look, as he opened his mouth the scold him. The look was so cold it could have frozen hell over. Then, Adam spoke again in a harsher tone, "You don't know how I fell, Jaz, I know I need to let he go but I can't." Adam gritted his teeth together, fighting back tears. "Imagine the only thing that keeps you alive, and then imagine it being snatched from you, mercilessly." Adam's hand curled into fist, and his untrimmed nails dug into his palms, causing a sting sensation to ripple though his hands when the skin broke. "I hate it, Jaz. I really, really do."

With those words, tearing began to brim out of his eyes and drip delicately down his pale cheeks. Adam had to bite his lip until he could taste blood, just to stop him self from sobbing. The emotional pain was almost unbearable. He felt like he should have been in Leigh's place and maybe if he had been there for her, he wouldn't have lost her. Adam felt so lonely, and always had when he first moved away from his sister. He regretted his actions that led to him leaving her, but he had to find out about his parents, and when he found out the truth they came for him. They came for his and left him in pieces. Adam would let them hurt him all they wanted, but drew the line when the threatened his sister. He left her, by force mind you, and he had lost her through no fault of his own. Well, that's what he tried to tell himself. Before he lost his parents, he would remember his father telling him that everything could always be worse.

Breaking Impulses - Book 2 of the Spoken Dead Series. (on-hold)Where stories live. Discover now