Story 6 - Bullying

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Here's a quickieee

You took your books, carrying them in your hand. Walking down the silent corridor alone, your guard was on.

How long has it been since the bullying started? You shook your head after asking that question in your mind. Painful,isn't it? (Name),Oh (name). What is wrong with you? Nothing is. You did not do anything that would make you isolated. You did not. Even so, You can't be all alone,right? Right, you had a friend named Cyril. He was, well, the Class's chairman. Silent and kind,that's all you know about him. He was the only one who helped you through your troubles. He was the only one there for you.

"(Name)." You spun around at the sound of Cyril's voice. You we're ecstatic to see him.

With a straight face,he stared at you. However,you can feel the worry in his tone. "Are you fine?"

"I'm fine. You don't need to keep hanging out with me. " you said,smiling. "You would get bullied too. "

"(Name)... it's okay,I'll always be with you." He replied as he patted you on the back. It was soothing.

As soon as the both of you reached the class,Cyril immediately went to his seat. Unfortunately, this is where your bullying starts. You looked down at your chair. Sharp pointy pins. You looked at your table. Chewed gum. How about the books under your table? Oh right, torn to shreds.

"(Name),Oh (name). " The bully came. "What's this? Oh,how pitiable. I just feel so sad for you!" She giggled and threw an empty can at you. You felt the urge to fight back but you knew you can't. You could only clench your fist tightly and suppress that desire.

Then,you looked over to Cyril. ...

He frowned, looking all disappointed at himself.

You shook your head,trying to comfort him.


"Here's your ten bucks. Continue the bullying. " He smirked and gave the bully money.

"Righto... you know... you're a sly guy. Your looks sure deceive your personality... doing this just so that she'll love you... " She took the money and put it in her wallet. "Eh, Cyril?"

"Shut up. I'll never ever let her go, This is... just to protect her." Cyril closed his eyes. "Now, all she can do is to just trust me."

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