244. Aisaretaino

129 1 0

Author: Yamakami Riyu
Chapters:04, Completed

Chapters: 01, Completed


Izaki was always confident in school who had to work at being the best. It's very much you get what you put in scenario. He's more than capable of rising to the tasks whether it's club or tennis. He also enjoys being contrary to others and seeing through their bullshit and bluster which is so refreshing. He doesn't even do it to show off, just because people's shallowness annoy him. Hakamada is the quiet one. Still waters run deep asiding from the fact he always seems to look vapid. He's the prodigy insomuch as things just come easily to him. He doesn't have to work or study and just manages to come out on top which is frustrating for Izaki who realizes he'll never reach that level no matter how hard he tries. So there's a bit of a rivalry between them but not so much because Izaki know he's got no chance catching up. Although, he doesn't realize that Hakamada was never competing with him. And then there's Hakamada's attraction which Izaki can't understand at all. Eight years after that. After a school reunion Izaki finds himselfb in a relationship he never agreed to with Hakamada, the guy he hated so much in high school. Hakamada is stone faced and unresponsive like he was back in high school and it's interesting to see his awkward and sincere attempts to get close toIzaki who thinks he's just being used for sex.

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