"But daddy-"

"Now Bree," he said sternly, she got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Jace, we gotta get out of here," the man said.

"Not before I put a bullet in her brain," he said.

"Jace, please," I said. "The twins and Casey, and Aubrey. You want her to see you kill someone?"

"I'm in the mafia bitch," he said. "I'm such a good actor." I spit blood at his feet." He bit his lip. "Let her go."


"I got this," he said and they let me go. Jace punched me. Jace hit like Jake and Dre put together, quick and hurt instantly. He punched me again and I fell, but he grabbed my neck pulling me back up. He grabbed my hair and he threw me on the floor, he kicked me and I rolled and groaned. I suddenly heard a gun cock. "Do you understand how long I've been waiting to end your life Hensley?"

"Blake plea-" he pistol whipped me.

"My name is Jace!" He yelled.

"Not to me!" I spat, he kicked me and I hissed sharply.

"Oh and one more thing," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Now," he said and I kicked one of the guys and punched the others nuts. I tripped the other guy, I grabbed the two guys head and smashed it with the third guys. They all were unconscious and Jace was fighting his dad, he punched Jace but Jace was quick to jab back. I fell on the floor feeling weak.

"You're my son," he said and I heard a gun cock. "You were suppose to do the right thing."

"You think killing her is the right thing?" Jace asked. "I'm gonna raise Aubrey better than you ever raised me."

"I trained you," he spat.

"To be something I'm not!" Jace spat, I heard a gunshot and I heard a thud. It was Jace's dad, Jace was froze and I dropped the gun. I fell back. "Naomi." He ran to me and he looked at me.

"Was the beating necessary?" I asked.

"It didn't look real and I had to buy time," he said. "I'm sorry."

"It's...ok," I said and I blacked out.


I felt a stinging sensation through my cheek and I hissed.

"Jace, easy," I said weakly.

"It's not Jace," I heard Jake.

"Jake," I said and moved but winced.

"Don't move," he said and kept washing me off. "What happened?"

"The twins," I said.

"Sh, they're with Ethan and Simone," he said. "Everything is ok, Naomi." I heard a big thunder boom and rain poured harder. "That's just the storm. Naomi, I need you to relax."

"Jake," I said starting to get weak again.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I wanna," I started.

"You wanna what?" He asked.

"I wanna live in a um, house," I said.

"Baby, you live in a house," he said.

"No, it's gonna have those rooms," I said.

"Naomi, all houses have rooms," he said

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