"Next time you should be more careful."

"Well next time you should probably invest in a pair of glasses. I see your vision is becoming it bit blurred."

He shook his head in disbelief. It was clear that she was at fault for the collision yet she wouldn't dare admit it. His eyes briefly scan over her being. It was long enough to give him full record of her state. The way her hair and clothes stuck to her wet skin and her breathing exaggerated the movements of her chest flashed wickedly in his sight. Dimitri swallowed a lump in his throat and tried to clear the image from his head. He desperately needed to change the topic.

"Anyway are you all set for tomorrow?"

"All set meaning?"

"Simply ready to enjoy the show."

"Yes, I am excited. I am pretty sure that it's going to be great."

"Good. Oh since you are coming alone, would you like to me to keep you a space around where my dad is going to sit or do you prefer to sit alone?"

Valarie folded her arms. "Wait what makes you think that I am coming alone?"

"Because you are?"

"No way. I'm definitely coming with someone."

"Oh is that so? Who are you coming with then?"

"umm, my boyfriend."

"And who might this boyfriend be?"

Valarie hesitated and searched her memory for some guy in the office that she knew. "Umm...K-Kyle" Kyle is my boyfriend."

Dimitri snorted. "No he's not."

"Excuse me? Yes he is."

"Nope, he isn't"

"And what makes you so sure of that?"

"He's gay" Dimitri responded matter of fact.

Valarie's lips pried open and stared at him dumbly.

She mentally scolded herself for her failed attempt at lying.

Dimitri cleared his throat mockingly. "You were saying?" he prompted.

Valarie clenched her teeth and peered at him. "What concern is it to you whether I attend with someone or not?"

"It doesn't matter to me. Just don't lie about it. You can't lie to me. You are horrible at it."

"I wasn't lying. We really were going as a date. He was planning to be totally straight for me that night and stuff but-"

"Valarie stop."

She held her tongue and sighed in defeat. "Don't you have work to do around here or something?" she inquired.

He narrowed his eyes on her. "Yes, I have places to be. I'll see you around Valarie and you might want to get some rest. It's starting to take effect."

Valarie hurriedly turned her head away remembering the state she was in. she pushed pass him and continued to the washroom. Dimitri shook his head and watched as she disappeared behind the door.

Imagine it was only a few hours away from the show and Valarie still hadn't found something to wear. Her exhaustion caused her to oversleep and she didn't get time to go shopping. She paced the floor frantically thinking up some miracle plan that would save her. The stores that were still opened were too expensive. She couldn't afford to spend more than half her savings on a dress for just one night.

"Okay Valarie think. There must be someone you can call to the rescue." Then it clicked. She dialed in Kyle's number and nibbled her fingers as she waited for him to answer.

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