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Okay hello! It's been a long while since I've uploaded anything on here. I've been really busy with schooling and it's been nearly impossible to find time for such a minor "priority". Anyway, I've had this saved as a draft for a while now and I'm deciding to upload it now.

Fun fact: This is being uploaded on Frank's birthday/Halloween.


PS: The .gif attached to this part is completely irrelevant to the scenario. I just thought it was funny. Also, Bob Bryar does not exist in this story nor will he in any of the others. Sorry, if his absence disappoints you. :)

You walk away from the freshly played venue with your band. "That show was fuckin' awesome!" Gerard exclaims, opening the door to the tour bus. You file inside after Ray, Frank, and Mikey. Gerard shuts the door after entering and sits his bottled water on the table in the loft of the vehicle. Mikey walks through the narrow bus, leading himself to the bunks. He opens the door only to find that only four bunks are to be set along the walls. "Damn." frank says, noticing the error. "Someone's gonna have to share, and it's not going to be me." Ray laughs, eyeballing the room. You look over at Gerard and Mikey (side note- I accidentally wrote Moikey and laughed for 2 straight minutes). "Nice try." Mikey says, backing away. "But you're brothers! It makes the most sense!" Ray says, reasoning with him. "No! It's weird!" he retorts, scrunching his face at the idea. "Yeah!" Gerard agrees "When we used to share a bed at our grandmother's, he would always kick me by accident and get his stupid legs tangled in mine." he adds, laughing. "But-" you start. "Bottom line. No. And besides, Gerard is a blanket stealer!"

You sigh, fed up with the immaturity of the brothers and look over at Frank. "Why don't we just share?" he asks, fiddling with his hands. "I don't know.." you try to avoid the question at all cost. You and Frank had been friends since middle school, meaning that you were best friends all throughout highschool as well. Awkwardly enough, you were each-other's first kisses as well. "Come on, my mom used to make you sleep in my bed with me when we were in middle school." he argues, shaking you from your memories. "That's different... We were kids." you state, plucking at the hem of your shirt. He tilts his head at you. "How much different can it be?" he asks. "Fine." you give in practically heaving your bag onto a bunk.

--ff: that night

You lay on the inside of the bunk, facing the blank wall, Frank beside you. It's dark and the tension from having a body next to you causes you to stay awake. The last time you had checked a clock, it was 2:30 a.m.

You move your hair into a bun, trying not to shake the mattress and wake him up. "Still awake?" you hear his deep voice lift the eerie silence, causing you to jump. "Shit, Frank. You scared me." you point out, turning onto your side to face him. "Sorry... I was hoping you were awake. I can't sleep and I'm bored out of my mind." he says, apologetically. He props himself up on his elbow, head in his hand. You sigh, rubbing your eyes from lack of sleep. "I'm really sorry, (Y/N)." he says, looking at you. "You probably would have been able to sleep tonight if I hadn't forced you to share a bunk with me."

"It's fine, Frank." you tell him, short breathed laughter lacing your words. "I always have problems falling asleep." you assure him. "I'd hate to admit it..." he starts. "But.. you were right." he finishes. "And how is that so?" you ask, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. "It's not the same." he claims, repenting his words from earlier. "Sleeping, or at least trying to, in the same bed as you." he adds, clarifying what he had started on. "We're too old for this.." he giggles, laying flat on his back staring at the bottom of the bunk above yours. "We're only twenty-four, Frank. Don't go all 'mid-life crisis' on me now." you joke, trying to lighten the subject. He rolls his eyes, his grin illuminated by the dull light peeking through the curtain of the bunk from the window of the bus. "There wasn't this much tension when we were younger." he says, staying on track of the conversation. "There was any tension when we were younger!? Gosh, Frank! How weird are you?" you ask rhetorically, laughing. "Well, there was only tension when we turned fourteen and my mom still thought it was acceptable to put us in a bed together. I mean, come on. We were both at out peak of development." he points out, reminding you of one occasion where you could have sworn he was purposely rubbing his leg against yours. "I agree that fourteen was a bit old to have us so close together." you laugh. You lay on your back, eliminating any room that had been left between Frank and yourself.

Noticing the loss of space, Frank turns himself back on his side, facing you. Suddenly, you feel a change in pace as Frank leans over you and kisses your cheek. Quickly moving your head to face him, his lips navigate from your cheek to your lips. He breaks the kiss, shamefully. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done tha-" you pull his face in and kiss his lips, sending him crazy. Taking this as initiative, he moves on top of you, trying to keep his head from touching the top of Mikey's bunk. "I thought I would be small enough to do that but I guess not." he jokes, leaning down and kissing your neck. You moan as his lips gnash at your jaw and neck, leaving bruises. "Shhh!" Frank corrects you, pulling his shirt from his body. You do the same with yours, stuffing it on the inside wall of the bunk. He slides your pajama pants down, leaving you in only your underwear. You go to remove his pants, but surprisingly you just realize that he had gone to bed in his boxers and a shirt, unlike when you were younger.

Frank continues to kiss at your neck, his erection becoming more and more visible in his boxers. You rub him through his underwear, causing him to moan, smothering himself in your skin. "Why didn't we ever do this before?" he asks, kissing your lips. Out of nowhere, the curtain of your bunk is ripped open by Mikey. You gasp and Frank quickly pulls the cover over your unclothed body. "What the hell is going on in here?" he asks, lowering his sleep ridden voice, trying not to wake Ray and Gerard up. "I am right underneath you!" he cries out. "At least try not to be so loud next time!" he pleads.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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