Chapter 1

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11 years ago...

"Look, Naomi! A ladybird!" A five year old Seiko Shinohara yelled, tugging at her best friend's sleeve. Also five years old, Naomi Nakashima gasped in amazement. "Wooow! It's so pretty!" Naomi kneeled next to Seiko to take a closer look at the insect.

Seiko giggled. "But your more pretty!" She blushed. Naomi turned to her friend. "Thanks, Seiko!" Naomi hugged her friend by the shoulders.

Both of them standing up, they smiled at each other. "Let's always be together!" Naomi yelled, grasping ahold of Seiko's hand. Seiko squeezed her hand. "Definitely! I'll never leave you!" They both giggled.

Walking around the woods for awhile, Naomi and Seiko suddenly yelped when they came across a corpse of a deer. "Is it... Dead?" Seiko asked, turning to face Naomi, who's face was full of fright, ran a hand through her long her hair that reached her shoulder blades like Seiko's. "I... Don't know" Naomi squeezed Seiko's hand. They took a step forward, toward the corpse.

Seiko pinched her nose. "Ew! It stinks!" Seiko turned her head away. Naomi kneeled down, grabbing a stick and using it to poke the lifeless body. Naomi closed her eyes in sadness. "It's dead..." She stood up and faced Seiko.

Seiko sniffed. "Poor thing, wonder what happened?" Seiko scratched her head. Naomi turned back to the rotting corpse. There, right on the side of the deer's abdomen, was a huge claw mark, with other marks around its body. Naomi raised an eyebrow.

"A wolf, maybe?" Naomi asked. Seiko shuck her head. "Nm, I doubt it, they're  not any wolves in Japan" Seiko said.

(Are there wolves in Japan?)

Naomi nodded.

Suddenly, a rustle in bushes alarmed the two girls. Both gasping, they clung to each other as they watched the bush move about.

A white, furry rabbit popped out. Both breathing out in relieve, they giggled. "Ah, it's only a rabbit" Naomi giggled.

But, that wasn't the end. A huge, brown wolf like bear thing came pouncing out of the bushes, grabbing the white, little rabbit in its jaws and eating it in seconds.

Naomi and Seiko yelped loudly, jumping back. "Th-that's no rabbit!" Seiko pointed at the beast. Suddenly, the beast laid it's eyes on them, watching them carefully. It ran forward on four legs at a top speed.

"Move! Naomi!" Seiko rolled on the floor, just barely dodging the beast's claws. Seiko looked up and saw the beast had Naomi in its grip. Naomi screamed. "Seiko! Help me!" She yelled, trying her best to pry herself from the beast's arms.

Seiko quickly ran toward the beast and Naomi. Taking advantage, the beast ran off into the woods, disappearing before Seiko could catch it.

Looking around, Seiko's eyes turned glassy. "...Naomi?" She whispered, dropping to her knees.

She took fistfuls of her hair, grabbing it ruffly.



Ever since Naomi disappeared, Seiko became depressed all her life.

When she turned seven, she went out back into the woods to try and look for Naomi, but instead, coming across a vampire. The vampire managed to catch Seiko before she could run away, biting her and sucking her dry.

But the vampire's meal time was interrupted when a bear came out of nowhere, scaring the vampire away. Taking her escape, Seiko clutched her bleeding neck where the two fang holes remained, before limping away, sobbing.


Honestly, some vampires or should I say most vampires stay the same age the rest of their life, but not Seiko, for some oddly reason, she was definitely growing up, unlike most vampires. She kept the vampire thing a secret, not wanting to freak out her family by letting them know she was now a full vampire.

She became eight, right when her life became more depressing as it already was. Her mother suddenly disappeared, just her luck.

As Seiko grew up into a teenager, she had a more darker personally than ever. She was like an emo goth, just without piercings, black hair and all of the above. Growing into fifteen years old, still a vampire, her skin became more pale white as she grew up from when she was six and her ears got slightly but just slightly pointed, nobody noticed though.

She also had managed to hide her bite from her family and classmates through out the years somehow. Her dad actually asked about her skin before, but she obviously came up with an excuse.

But as a vampire, the thing they ate was human blood. Human food tasted like crap to vampires. Seiko managed, vampires could go two months without blood. But, when she would get hungry, she would have to go out into the woods and feast upon a random human who was out in the middle of night like some idiot. She would, obviously, regret drinking their blood, but she needed it to survive.

Oh, how much depressing could her life could get?

She missed her mother, but most of all...

She missed Naomi.


Present time... (Sixteen years old)

(Note: In this version of Kisargi, they don't wear uniforms)

"Okay class! Take your seats!" Ms. Yui yelled, standing behind her podium. Seiko sighed as she walked into the classroom, scratching at her bite on her neck, fingers running over the two holes. Taking her seat at the back of the classroom, she sat slumped in her chair.

Seiko was wearing a black and red plaid button up shirt, with slightly baggy jeans, black converse, and a black hoodie which was placed on the back of her seat, along with her school bag. On her school bag was a pendent, shaped into a red love heart with the words forming inside it 'Love you!'. Naomi gave her it when they were little, it was the most treasured thing to her heart. 

"Some news, everyone" Ms. Yui stacked some papers, placing them on the podium surface. "We have a new student joining our class today!" Ms. Yui was always excited by the littlest things. Seiko played with her pencil, she didn't really care, to be honest, she didn't really care about anything anymore.

Ms. Yui turned towards the door, walking up to it, and opening it up. "Come on in, don't be shy" She said, in a comforting voice.

A figure stepped into the classroom.

Seiko looked up from playing with her pencil, and she did not believe her fucking eyes.

A girl, with short brown hair, a black t-shirt and a red hoodie, with grey jeans and black boots, stood in front of the class.

"Well, go on, greet yourself to everyone" Ms. Yui said.

She sighed.

"Hello, my name is Naomi Nakashima, I hope we all get along well" She said in a bored tone.

Seiko, dropped her pencil.



 Hooray! It's finally out! Enjoy!

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