"Thanks" he chuckled.

A heard a bunch of hoots and hollers, along with a few showers going in the background.

"Meet me by my car in like 19 minutes. We're going to my place. I won't try nothing I swear."

"Whatever just hurry up." I walked to his car.

I waited there and a few guys flirted with me. I turned them down.

"Let me take you home ma."

"Sorry she's coming with me." An arm snaked around my waist and pulled me close.

I didn't have to look to know it was Zane. Also because the huge wave of tingles that just radiated off his arm.

"Oh I'm sorry I ain't know she was with you." He walked away.

"Let's go." He let me go.

My lower back seemed freezing.

Stupid wind.

We both got in his car.

"your sisters are nice." We rocked slowly in bed.

The bed swayed making the ceiling sway. We laid on our back staring up at it.

"Yeah right. When you leave they won't leave me alone. I'm just glad Diane told them to leave us alone." Somehow he pushed the bed.

At first I was afraid to get into his bed. I felt like it would break. He told me it could hold 3 elephants so we were good.

The swaying motion reminded me of a boat and it was soothing. Most people get sea sick I get relaxed.

"I didn't mind I mean come on the little ones are so cute." I smiled.

"No they're the devil."

I rolled my eyes and didn't respond. We sat in a relaxing silences and just swayed.

"Do you ever want kids?" His voice broke the silence.

"I'd have to fall in love to want kids." I looked at him. He was already looking at me.

"I mean if you did fall in love. Would you?"

"I had to let someone break through my walls or I'd have to take them down myself to fall in love." I made this more complicated.

He sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I did want kids though. I always wanted to have a boy to cheer at his football games and a girl to record her dance recitals." I looked back at the ceiling.

"I want a boy." His voice seemed happier. I could just imagine that fire burning smile of his. "I want to be able to teach him what a man needs to know. My son would be a gentlemen and treat woman better than I did." His happiness seemed to dim.

"What exactly would you teach him?" I turned the subject back to his son and not him.

"The ins and out of gentlemen. Basically the do's and donts. I don't know exactly what yet. I still have time to figure that out." He sighed. "What would you teach your daughter?"

"I would teach her to love herself, to carry herself with pride and dignity, to have confidence, to not let anyone walk over her. Man or woman." I spoke with authority. "To save herself for someone she knows is the one, or other wise she'll end up heartbroken and forced to live with it everyday of her life." My façade faded.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I curled my hands over my chest and felt it thumping. My heart hurt so bad.

"Maybe she doesn't have to." He stroked my arm.

Electric shock popped up and it got annoying.

"I don't want her to." I opened my eyes.

He turned me on my side and the bed started swaying again. He pulled me into him and a lump formed in my throat.

"Who do you see in your life 3 years from now?" He moved my hair out my face.

I shrugged not being able to speak.

"I hope you're still in my life. I wouldn't want to lose a friend like you. My parents praise me because I'm not doing so poorly in school anymore. My aunt praises me because I don't get in trouble anymore. Uncle thinks it has something to do with you. He said if I keep hanging out with you I won't get in trouble anymore." He moved his hand down my back and moved his fingers in small circles.

It felt to good to ask him to stop.

"Where are your parents?" I hoped this wasn't a bad subject.

"They're rarely ever home. I talk to them when they decide to check up on there son. They're in the Caribbean's shooting a movie." He closed his eyes. "When they're home it's like hell. They keep threatening to send me to this all boys academy on New York. I don't want to go to New York. Then they threaten to send me to London with my uncle and aunt from my dads side. I don't mind but I'd miss a lot of people." The circles became smaller.

"I don't want you to go to either of those places. You're my first guy friend besides my brothers and their horny friends. I feel like I can come to you when I need you." I smiled.

He sighed and stopped making the circles. His hand just laid on my back.

Why did I do?!

You friend zoned him. No guy wants to be friend zoned.

He does know we aren't anything more than friend and we won't ever be more than friends?! Right?

Ask him.

"Zane you do know we are just friends and won't ever be more that friends, right?" I felt as if I did something wrong.

"Yeah I know." He got out the bed kind of angry.

The bed started swaying again and I was afraid to get out. So I just sat up.

"I just wished you'd trust me enough to tell me why you won't love anyone?" He stopped pacing around.

"I don't trust anyone enough to know that Zane. Please come lay back down with me." I whined slightly.

He looked at me kind of shocked. I batted my eyelashes and he groaned getting back in the bed. I smiled and pulled my hair behind my shoulders.

"Be lucky you look adorable when you do that." He rubbed his face his hands.

"Nobody can resist my face." I giggled.

"Yes because you're just that beautiful." You could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

I placed my hand over my heart and pretended to be upset.

"You're saying I'm not beautiful?"

"No! You are beautiful. I'm just saying you're- wait a minute." He scowled when he saw the smirk on my lips.

"You like me don't you." I poked his chest.

"What? No!" He seemed taken by surprise.

"Don't lie to me. You like me don't you." I poked his chest again.

Man was it firm.

"I don't not. Stop being so full of yourself!" He growled.

"Fine fine. I won't tease you about your crush on me anymore." I smirked.

"I do not have a crush on you Roxie. Remember I don't fall for girls. Girls fall for me. I've had more girlfriends than I can count. I'm a player." He turned his back to me.

"Fine." I laid down and did the same.

There was a tight silence before he sighed and apologized for getting upset. We talked about random stuff and didn't go to sleep until 3 in the morning.


Awwww ~Dejah

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