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Just a one shot. Got inspired for this the day I met Mariska and she and Danny were standing against the fence of a parking lot, filming a scene. Enjoy! Dick Wolf owns.


Outside the 16th, late one night...

"Why are you so afraid?" he asked, his body impossibly close to hers as she stood against the fence.

"I'm not afraid"

"Then why are you pushing me away?"

"Because we can't"

"Who says?" He asked, his lips dangerously close to hers; as close as they could be without actually touching, yet so close that she could feel the heat of his breath on her mouth and she had to fight every neuron in her body to not reach out and inhale him.


"Stop fighting me Olivia." He said as he penetrated her with his stare. Those eyes, those incredibly, sexy pools of darkness; when he looked at her, whether it be from across a room or face to face it made her absolutely weak; HE made her absolutely weak! She had been trying hard to fight the attraction she felt for him ever since the day he walked into the squad room. There was no way she would allow herself to fall into that pattern again - loving her partner. She would never give in to such feelings again, never again allow herself to entertain even the thought but Nick had been diligent; he was determined to have what he wanted.

This is a different world, Serpico; not everyone has the stomach for it!

She was an absolute vision and she'd captivated him the very second he laid eyes on her; her gorgeous dark hair that was rivaled only by the beautiful intensity of her eyes, those eyes that he often, over the years found himself completely lost in. The more he'd gotten to know her, the more his infatuation grew and eventually became something else; he wanted this woman, he LOVED this woman and he was ready to lay everything on the line for her, for just the chance to be something more to her than her partner, more than just her friend. She'd given him the chance once but just as quickly, had taken it away. He wanted it back, all of her and right now, this night as they stood in the back of the dimly lit precinct parking lot, her back against the chain-link fence, he knew that the moment was now or never. He had to confront her with how he felt- with how he knew she felt but couldn't admit, much less give herself over to again but tonight it had to change, it would change.

"We need to talk about-"

"We don't! And why are you doing this here, now? Where is this coming from?"

"From here" he said as he took her hand in his and pressed her palm to his heart, all the while never taking his gaze from her.

"But then, you know that. Liv you know what I feel for you, what I've always felt for you." she looked down and away from his eyes, he gently brushed her chin with his fingers and tilted it so that she was again looking at him.

She was crumbling; her hand remained resting on his chest, reveling in the steady rhythm of his heart. She'd known quite some time ago that she was falling for him but she didn't feel that it would be right to do anything about it. She'd come so close to giving in to her feelings for him so many times and one night, fueled by those feelings, she'd kissed him after he'd driven her home and they'd both confessed some things, but then she quickly rethought the situation and backed away, leaving him as confused as she was.

She'd gone up to her apartment and freaked out over it that night. Later, they'd decided to try the whole togetherness thing but after a couple months, one morning she woke up in his bed after a night of earth shattering sex that turned into morning sex the very second he opened his eyes and as she came down from her orgasm, what she considered the unthinkable happened...

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