Chimera: A Dark Fairytale of Love

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Part 1: William

William felt parched. Even after his second ale, his thirst grew. He eyed the bar wench and winked. A pretty tart, although a little thin for his tastes. Still, she would have to do. The small hamlet in the forest did not hold many choice damsels, and the wench was far from distressed.

Sauntering to the table, she bent over to whisper in William's ear, exposing a nice peep of small mounds.

"Sir Knight, might I be bringin' ye another round, or perhaps a nibble?" the barmaid crooned.

"Lady, I do believe a nibble would be most appetizing," William smiled.

His charms had won over many a fair maid. In fact, William was irresistible to woman. It gave him an advantage over others that sustained him quite agreeably. And because of his persuasive talents, William rose to the ranks of knighthood faster than most young men his age.

"Perhaps you wouldn't mind bringing me a bit of bread and stew," he asked politely. The wench frowned. William grinned and added licentiously, "And dessert will most definitely be in order ...."

Giggling, the barmaid went to fetch William's request, confident her favors would win over the handsome cavalier.

William enjoyed traveling, and he preferred to do it alone. This last campaign took him farther from his birthplace than usual, but war and wanderlust were in his blood. He hated the fact that he was heading home. The men's laughter next to William's seat broke his reverie. He eavesdropped, hoping to gain a peasant's anecdote, or gossip.

"Nay, nay, I swears it be! Me laird's lad tried to woo her an' woke without memory, 'cept that of a beautiful woman!" said a grizzled old man. The others clucked and scoffed.

"All that talk of the islands on the lake is rubbish—been out theres me-self and never seen hide nor hair stirrin'!" chuckled a broad, bearded man.

"How now Jack, ye never go out there lest yer snooked! I heard ye babblin' to Gus 'bout the mists got on yer boat scarin' the piss outta ye! Ye swore heaven an' hell ye never paddle near the cursed island again." The thin, wiry man spoke through missing teeth, a fish monger, no doubt.

The broad man's face flushed red. "Ain't so!" he shouted.

"Is so!" laughed the fish monger.

"I heard it be a wealthy princess secluded herself on the island. Upon close to losing her family and title, buggered off to hide her and the kingdom's fortune, gets a little lonely from time t' time, picks a man and lets him stay awhile. Then, bewitches him so's he can't remember snogging her. Maybe you been snogged Jack, an' was too pissed to remember!" teased another member of the ragtag table. The others hooted.

Jack defended himself. "Folks go missin' out there! It's them fairies, they don't like trespassers!" Mention of fairies by the big, strapping man sent the table into roars of laughter.

William chuckled silently too. These peasants were a superstitious lot! There were many foreigners about these days, but any reasonable Knight would never fancy fairies. However, the story piqued William's curiosity.

Bread, stew, and ale clunked onto the table. The wench eyed him voraciously. William stroked the hand resting on the table, then quickly wrapped his fingers around her wrist and tugged her closer.

"Meet me tonight, at the road marker just before the forest begins. I desire something soft and sweet ..." William let his words linger, enjoying the blush spreading over the barmaid's skin.

He let go of her wrist. She beamed with delight at their little secret. For the rest of William's visit to the pub, the wench's anticipation of the rendezvous bounced her around the pub as if she were a queen.

Oh yes, William thought, the royal treatment awaits her!


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