The story has begun

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It's not luck or fate, it's Allah's perfect plan!!

venue: Zubair's home

"Ammi! There is tractor moving in my stomach! "I called out impatiently from the dining table. Mom came out in haste, balancing the heavenly cooked and just out of the flame paratha in perfect equity on a small square shaped spoon, the paratha plopped on my plate and looked at me welcomingly! Abba ,mom, zamil and me always sat and ate dinner together. It was my moms etiquette to serve me the first paratha! [ she loves me the most ;)] "Abba, you are the luckiest man in the world to have a wife that cooks soo woow!!", It was not me who said that but my blessed stomach and drooling tongue that had said those words while my pallet impatiently waited for the second bite of the paratha dipped in the scrumptious butter chicken! My dad just smiled and dug into the mouth watering dinner. Zamil was quiet but he grinned from ear to ear at mom after taking each bite, i knew that he soulely agreed with me.

After food I helped mom with the dishes and went upto my room. I checked my phone and it had like a hundred msgs, I ignored the others and opened khalid's chat,

"bro there is a speaker coming near our masjid next week and we have to take care of the arrangements this time. Javed and Mujahid have gone to Umrah so its upto us to sort out everything!'

Khalid was my best friend, and we loved to help the masjid people. After an hour of full proof planning, we decided that it will be held in the hall located near the masjid it was a big hall and could accommodate both the men and women of the neighbourhood ,the latter would be separated from the former with a huge shawl this lessend the cost of audio setup and it would be Islamic too, we had it all figured out, the catering, the chairs and I was really looking forward to this speech because firstly, I and khalid were organizing it and secondly the speech was about 'the purpose of this life' something every human being was desperate to know about.

zeba's pov:

Though one month had passed i never stopped thinking about those 5 books!

My curiosity couldn't get the better of me as every time i tried to read it the feeling that i could no more be with my best friend would crush my heart, the salty liquid would stream out of my eyes and my head would feel heavy, then that evening after what i had seen in Abba's room , i opened the book to finally read it.

I had gone into Abba's room, to check upon how he was dealing with the present situation. The door was slightly ajar i peaked in, he lay there on his bed with his thin blanket over his body except his face, he was sleeping... I didnt want to disturb him so I started to head back to my room when i heard a slight whimper, I walked towards the window thinking it wasn't shut, though the curtains were drawn. but suddenly i realised that the sound was persistent and it was coming from my dad! I turned around but he was still sleeping, i shook him lightly, he got up with a frightened look and asked me what had happened, i asked him, Abba are you crying?? He denied in half sleep eased back into his bed.

He had drowsy eyes, he raised his head to look at me and said, "zeba,my head is paining so i am gona sleep for some time, wake me up for asar salat." I stood there baffled, Ya Allah he was crying in his sleep!

I went back to my room, my heart felt heavy, my tears trickled down from my eyes that had now become accustomed to crying, the thought of how much my father loved my mother that his sorrowful heart cried even when he was asleep, made me curious, i wanted to know their story, i wanted to know when their beautiful story of love, and how had first begun!

I opened the book, to the 2nd page, already the first page being registered in my mind from that day in the hospital.It was like a real story book, my mother loved to read books and this book of hers was in the same fashion as that of all the novels she had read, with the title written at the centre that said,' The first day i had seen him!'


Assalamualaikum stay tuned in shaa Allah i will update in a couple of days with a much longer chapter ..... luv u all for reading my book!!!!! :D

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