Forever Dead ::3:: Oh Baby, You're Hard Like Your Belt Buckle

Start from the beginning

“No I want to go! Please don’t leave me!” Macy grabbed his hand and begged, tears falling from her eyes. “Stop it Audrina!”

“Macy! Why would you want to go? You have a life here!”

“A life? What type of life do I have Audrina? I come home, do my homework, hang out with you and then tuck my drunken mother in at night. A boy has never even touched me. Don’t take this from me...” she pleaded. My heart ached. I never knew this was how she truly felt. I honestly thought she was okay with the lifestyle she chose.

“Fine. Go Macy. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I twisted and turned away before she could see me cry, but I was stopped when the limo driver, a vampire from the looks of it, stepped in front of me.

“We’ll take them both. What’s one more anyway?” I heard his voice speak behind me.

“Yes Master.” The driver said, taking me by the arm.

“No., wait you can’t have me! I don’t want this!” I screamed. The man laughed and looked at an expensive watch on his wrist.

“Well, you’re in a public place and it’s 11:59. I have every right to claim you.” He smiled, his white teeth gleaming in the streetlights. My eyes widened.

“No!” I kicked and screaming but the driver threw me into the back of the limo, right next to this man and Macy. I tried to unlock the door but it wouldn’t open. I banged on the windows, but they were unbreakable.

I turned to see a car full of girls, some crying, and most smiling.

“You can’t do this! The law states a vampire can only have three Potentials!” I yelled.

“Ha, yes, a regular vampire. But royal vampires are allowed to have up to nine Potentials. I guess I am breaking the rules a bit by taking you too, but you were just too tempting sweat pee.” He wiped away a tear that spilled from my eye.

“Royal?” I whispered, my voice shaking.

“Yes. I’m the Vampire Prince…Nicholai Romano.”

I back as far against the door as I could. Vampires were one thing, royal vampires were another. We covered them all last semester in Vampire History. They were stronger than any normal vampire, and most had special abilities, like telepathy or flying. I felt my chest constrict. How would I get out of this?

He smiled at me; placing an arm around Macy and one around myself, bring me close to his chest. “This should be fun.” He whispered into my ear.

“Let go of me.” I demanded, pushing away from him. He laughed, his deep voice filling the car. I heard a few girls sigh, including Macy, at the sound. There were only two other girls crying… a strawberry blonde who looked no more than fifteen and a blonde. The rest watched Nicholai, Macy and I. Looking as if they would kill us both to be sitting in our positions.

I looked at each face, seeing if I recognized anyone. I didn’t until I spotted the last girl, all the way in the back. She smirked as she saw recognition fill my face. Mandy McAllister was here and I was her competition. Fuck.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used the idea of letting me touch you.” I shivered with disgust and tried to look out the dark tinted windows. Silence filled the car. I heard a few coughs, laughs and some sobs until we came to a stop. By now my whole body was sore from pressing up against the door, and I was exhausted.

The door opened, surprising me. I fell forward and braced myself to feel the ground when I felt two hands catch me. The drive held onto me and was about to lift me up when Nicholai spoke.

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