Halloween Special

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A/N: Hey guys, Happy Halloween. Hope you guys have a scary one.

Your P.O.V

Today was the day, where freaks and monsters can come out of hiding, where demons can steal souls and reapers can reap unsuspected souls. Today was Halloween. The best time of the year. Where no jolly red suited man, jumps down chimneys. No eggs in hiding or teeth turning into coins. Where we can be as mischievous as ever. I'm sorry, I'm just rambling on and on. But as a demon that just loves horror and tricks it's like Christmas came early.

I opened the wooden coffin that the undertaker had given me, (the one in the previous chapter) I stepped out and patted myself down creating a cloud of dust. The crisp chilly air of autumn, the scent of candles in carved pumpkins captivated my nose like the undertaker with his dog biscuits.

'I wonder where the undertaker is?' i questioned in my head. I heard a faint humming noise which I then realised that it was coming from the said man which seemed to be in the kitchen. I walked in and with all of my energy I screamed.


The undertaker jumped about 5 meters in the air with a tray in his hands. He looked at me, or what appeared to be as his eyes were covered by his fringe. He giggled which turned into a full fit of laughter.

"Hahhahahahahahwhhahahwhahh happy Halloween deary" he said once the laughter subsided.

"We are going to the phantom hives mansion for a Halloween ball." He added

"Elizabeth's idea no doubt." I muttered under my breath.

The undertaker looked at me with a confused face.

"Why do you hate her haha turns that frown upside down." He said doing a handstand.

"I just don't like her, she made me where pink, and not baby pink or nice shade but girly pink and when I tried to take it off she screame- why are you doing the handstand, ahahahah nice legs." I said, trust the undertaker to make me laugh even when I am angry. 'Although what happened to the tray' I wondered.

"So, what to wear? What to wear?" I questioned out loud.

"You could go as a grim reaper?" The undertaker asked.

"Hmmmm, no I know I will just go as my Wolf-human form." I said full of energy.

"Heh-errrrmmm okay." The undertaker said, his face paled even more.

*Time skip*

We reached the mansion, I was in my wolf-human form and Undertaker was dressed as little red riding hood. We were about to knock until.

"Argghhh- Pluto get off. Grrrrrr you're heavy." I said, he wasn't even in demon hound form. A naked guy was on top of me. I repeat a guy in his birthday suit is on top of me.

I was expecting to see undertaker laugh at the amusing sight, but instead I thought I saw his fist clenched.

Undertaker's P.O.V

(Y/N) looks so pretty tonight. The way her (H/C) shines in the soft pale moonlight, how her (E/C) eyes seem to sparkle in excitement, a sparkle that puts stars to shame. She looks so sexy in her wolf costume, her skirt only reaching mid thigh, a bushy tail coming from the waist band of the skirt, her nails painted the ever dark black with red tips. Her wolf ears that perked up the sound of leaves crumpling underneath our feet. Her ears were a grey base, with black, white and brown patches. Something so beautiful, more so than a skeleton corpse. She was wearing a White shirt that was a bit too tight around her chest, a back cloak, she was wearing the hood but it fell down in the gentle breeze. Showing her thick black metal studded collar, which William makes her wear when she has a mentor. She was carrying the scythe which she stole from me, which I don't mind.

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