Act 3- Haunting Memories

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< Your POV>

I woke up to silence. I could not remember why it was silent, why my heart and house felt empty. Then the memories of last night entered your mind and tears started trailing down my cheeks. For a demon, I was being quite emotional. 'Remember what Diablo's first lesson was.' I thought to myself.

One of the first lessons Diablo had taught me was to control my emotions.


"Now remember (Y/N), even demons get some emotions, but we must keep them hidden. Emotions are a gift and a curse. A gift as it gives us a sense of belonging and shows us to protect the ones we care about but it is also a curse as it is an unpredictable weakness. Weakness can become strength but when it comes to emotions it cannot, it makes us and humans reckless. So recap keep your emotions from showing, you are a demon. Demons come across as emotionless." Diablo spoke in a fatherly tone.

"Don't worry old man, I'll protect you, I promise." The 7 year old me promised. As Diablo picked me up and sat me on his lap. I wrapped my pinkie finger round his pinkie finger as he ruffled my hair.

"That's my little Devil." Diablo said with a little chuckle at my determination.

Time skip to another flashback.

I was playing with the old man's Samurai sword; I was about 11 at the time. I was swinging it around like I have seen from Japan. That was until I heard a door close, the front door to be exact. I rushed to place the Samurai sword back in its original place, when I tripped up and I banged my head on the side table knocking me out. The Samurai fell nearly piercing me until the old man caught the sword by its blade.

I later gained conscience and heard crying. It was a deep cry, coming from a male grim reaper. I opened my eyes and I saw the old man with tears in his eyes.

"Remember the first lesson, do not show emotions." I said with an amused smirk.

Diablo hugged my tight so tight that I could not breathe.

"I could have lost you, promise me you will not play with my death scythe again." The old man said in a sad voice

"I can look after myself old man. I knew what I was doing." I said annoyed at the old man for being melodramatic. Diablo leaned back from the hug and places his hands on my shoulder and his head was on the same level as mine. I remember looking in to his eyes as he said.

"Just promise me that you will be careful."I can never forget the look in his eyes; His eyes were troubled and sadden as he said the words. It was like a dad looking at their daughter as they say goodbye for the last time.

<Time ship to last flashback>

I had awoken from a nightmare, I was 9 years old.

The nightmare was about me dying and I was like a ghost. I was floating through the house watching the old man's heart literally brake. I was not scared of dying I was scared of what would happen to the old man. I have to protect him.

I was in the corner of the room, crying in a fetal position. My bedroom door open as yellow light crept through the door. The light then faded and then disappeared as the door closed.

"Little Cub, why are you crying." Diablo said in a gentle voice.

"I had a nightmare." I said in a timid voice.

"It's alright to have them. I have them all the time." Diablo said.

"You do?"I asked him as he sat down next to me and hugged me as I got out of my fetal position.

"Yeah, but you know one thing. Nightmares are fears. We need fears. Fears make us stronger. We need darkness to find the light and we need the light to find the dark." He said as he whispered in my ears and whipped the tears out of my eyes. "Now how about we get you bed yeah?" He added.

As Diablo stood up and picked me up and throw me up in the air as I giggled. He then throws me on the bed and tucked me in. Diablo whispered a good bye and gave me a kiss on the forehead. He went to get up and leave until he felt a small tug on his sleeve on his pyjama top.

"Please stay with me." I said in a shy voice. "Can you sleep with me?" I added.

Diablo pulled the duvet back and climbed into bed with me. He wrapped an arm around me which made me feel safer.

"Night, daddy." I said with a yawn. Diablo looked shocked at what I said as a proud smile rested on his features.

"Night, my little daughter." Diablo said, as he looked down seeing my sleeping features. I did not have a nightmare for the rest of the night.

<End of Flashback>

As I reminisced in my haunting memories I was awaken out of the trance by a knock at the door.


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