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Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best.-  Unknown author


It was finally the day of the marathon.  Scott and Mark would run the first bit with Chris, to help her set her pace and offer encouragement. They would do the same towards the end of the race, when she passed the last check point.  Both knew it was the last kilometre that would be the hardest.  The rest of the Cliff Hangers would be there too, on the sidelines, shouting encouragement and holding her refreshments.  Peter's knee was acting up, so he couldn't do any of the running with her, but he'd follow her progress on the sidelines.  Chris was nervous and excited. She barfed once and then felt ready to go.  Mark and Scott did stretches with her, while Peter got her number and made sure she was registered.  He pinned it on her and then got out of the way. The race was about to start.

From where she stood with Mark and Scott, they could see Shelby, Daisy and Ezra holding a sign with her name on it.  Juliette shouted and jumped up and down, waiving pom poms.

"You've got a personal cheering squad all in one girl," Mark joked.

They watched the starter raise the gun and then the pack of runners moved out.  The three of them remained in the middle, letting the sprinters take the lead.  Chris started off a little fast, caught up in the moment, but Scott made her focus and slow down.  She was at a comfortable pace, letting her legs warm up. 

"I can't believe how many people came out for his run," Mark observed.

"At the half way point, I bet there will be half as many around you Chris."  Scott added, as they passed two more people.

"That's the plan.  After the first check point I'll speed up, just like we trained.  Thanks again for running with me," Chris said.

Mark smirked, "you owe me a back rub tomorrow."

"And this is my way of thanking you for helping me train for football," Scott replied.

They ran side by side, rarely talking.  It wasn't long before they reached the first check point.  The boys ran off the course, while Chris continued on. She accepted a small paper cup of water from Daisy and drank it slowly. Holding it in her mouth first, then slowly swallowing. She didn't want to get a cramp and needed her body to absorb all the moisture it could.  Passing a garbage can, she threw the cup into it.  The Cliff Hangers, Mark and Peter all cheered her on.

Once by herself she thought about a lot of things, as she ran onward. Running helped clear her mind and this time was no exception. She revisited everything since coming to Mount Horizon. One thing that she kept going back to was her sister.  She wanted to sit down with her and give a piece of her mind. Even after Veronica found out about the assaults, she still didn't give Chris support.  What Chris really wanted was an apology from her older sister, to admit she was wrong to turn her back.  That was something she'd have to talk to Peter about at a later time.  And that brought her to thinking about Peter, how his patience and understanding helped her gain control of her life again.  Like Jess, Shelby's little sister always said, Peter saved her life too.  Thinking about him, made Chris blush, but anyone watching wouldn't know it, as all the runners had flushed faces.

"Go Chris go!"  Shelby yelled from the sidelines, as her fellow Cliff Hanger ran past.

The interruption to her thoughts, made Chris refocus on the marathon. She checked the sign that Mark held and listened to Peter that she could now pick up her pace a little more.  As she adjusted her speed, she smiled and waived at her cheer group.  

Ezra cupped his hands, shouting above the other's.  "You can do it! We know you can!"

Chris ran on, leaving them behind.  Her thoughts went to Scott and Shelby, they were her best friends other than Ezra. As a couple they had the usual issues, but their love for each other was real and true.  It was the sexual energy that surrounded them that sometimes drew in Chris.  It thrilled her and terrified her all at once.  She wondered if either of them knew about her crush.  Mark would never tell them and he was the only one who knew, as she still hadn't told Peter who it was that stirred up those feelings.

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