Chapter 23: Christmas

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Today was December the 17th and my last day of School as we got to finish early due to our mocks. I was So happy for Christmas break because on the 27th of December I would be going up to Accrington to spend a week with Reece, and honestly I can't wait as I haven't seen him since November the 30th.

Once I got out of school me and Isaac decided to go Christmas shopping because everyone loves doing last minute Christmas shopping. Well I suppose it's not last minute until Christmas Eve but is 8 days away so that's not far off.

We first pay a visit to Starbucks so we can grab a drink to warm us up. I order a Pumpkin spice latte and Isaac orders the gingerbread latte. We decide to sit in Starbucks as Kenzie and Hadley were coming in to town to get some stuff for there parents. Once they get here me and Isaac have finished our drinks and we all walked out of the shop into the main centre.

After about three hours we all decided to split our separate ways and go home. I got the bus back to my house and I grabbed myself a snack and went up to my room to Skype Reece as I know that he is available as he doesn't really go to college anymore.

My 3 hours on Skype were over and I went downstairs to get dinner which was Steak and Chips. I then decided to go back up to my room and endlessly scroll through my social media sites until I fall asleep.


Christmas Day!

On the 25th me and Tiffany get woken up by a very excited Georgie and Aiden.

'Allana,Tiffany! Wake up! Wake up! Santa has visited' I heard my brother shout

I soon get annoyed with all the shouting so I groan and wake up and help Georgie and Aiden wake up Tiffany. After 15 minutes of trying she eventually gets out of bed and the four of us trudge downstairs to find out stockings brimming with presents. Yes I know that Santa is not real but Aiden doesn't know that so therefore we want the magic to stay alive for as long as possible.

Looking through the stocking I mostly get CDs,Chocolate and Make Up. We then move on to the presents from family and friends and by the end of it I think I have done remarkably well.

After all of our presents were opened we went and got dressed as we were going round to families house for the day. I'm wearing a gold sequin dress that goes down to my mid thigh with gold heels and my usual fancy make up. My hair is curled so it is cascading down my back.

When we get there we all get told 'oh look haven't you grown' 'my my look how tall you are now, I remember when you were in pull ups' from all the family members we haven't seen in forever.

The day passes remarkably quickly and we have the usual turkey,pigs in blankets,Christmas pudding and Brussels sprouts. Afterwards we played the games like Monopoly and trivial pursuit and then watched whatever crap is on the television. At about 10 then Aiden started to fall asleep really decided to go home.

I spent  Boxing Day shopping. Well mostly looking around shops and packing for my trip to Accrington.

The next morning I wake up at 6:30 to get the train to Accrington.  So I told Reece I would be up there for lunch. The train journey consisted of me listening to One Direction, Justin Bieber,sleeping and playing Candy Crush. Once I was half an hour away from the station I text Reece telling him I am nearly there.

When I arrive I walk out the carriage and see Reece and Lyndsey waiting for me once I spot Reece I start running towards him as he starts running towards me. Once he reaches me he picks me up and spins me before crashing his lips to mine.

'I missed you Allana' he says pulling away

'I missed you too Reecey!' I said smiling .


A/N Okay guys update here! This will probably be the last one I may do an epilogue.

You may ask why I'm stopping the book, but it's because I don't really get the same response I did at the beginning and I don't have the time to update because of college. Lastly I don't see the book advancing because Stereo Kicks breaks up and New Hope Club starts while Reece starts dating Anais so therefore it would mean the break up of Allana and Reece, resulting in the fanfic ending!!

I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read this book because I thought it would get 20 reads not 8.08K and lastly to everyone who voted and commented!

Feel free to read my other books and you may get a couple of surprise updates on Reece and Allana but until then..... Thank you and I love you all

Allana xxx

Is it True? || A Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now