Chapter 19- Leaving the Show

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After mine and Charlie's hugging session I go to my room and just go to sleep. I awake in the morning to the sound of the Stereo Kicks boys charging round the house. I then get up because with them making that racket I'm never going to get back to sleep. I see that the girls have also woken up and Summer reminds me that we have to go to ITV studios to do Good Morning Britain and to do some over interviews. So I have a shower and then get changed into a black skater skirt and a white blouse with a black collar and cuffs. I then pull my hair into a high ponytail and apply my usual make up on. I then grab my black flats and put them on and go downstairs to go to the itv studios.

We all say bye to the people that are up and then get to into a taxi that took us to the studios and we walk in and go to have make up done for Good Morning Britain. When we get there we have a brief talk about how the day will run. We have interviews with lots of different people and they all ask the same thing.

'So what will be next for Violet Heavan?'

'Will your band stay together?'

'How does it feel to leave the show?'

And then one of the group just replies with the same thing

'We hope that we will get signed and be able to continue performing and making music'

'This will not be the last of Violet Heavan'

'It's pretty gutting we were in it to win it'

The day just drags on and on at around 1:30 we exit the ITV studios and there are a few fans waiting outside so we take pictures and sign a few things for them and then we get into a taxi and drive back to the house as we don't have to be out until 6.

When we arrive we all go up to our rooms and start packing are belongings. I finish packing at about 4. So I lug my suitcase downstairs to where Summer and Courtney had put theirs. I go into the games room where most of the Stereo Kicks boys are playing FIFA on the XBOX.

I go in and sit down next to Charlie as I'm closest to him under the current circumstances of Reece ignoring me and James starting the fight in the first place. It starts off as an awkward silence as no one really knows what to say, after about 10 minutes Reece decides to pipe up!

'Hey Allana, can I speak to you outside for a moment please!' He asks me standing up from his seat.

'Yeah okay fine' I say standing up and following him out of the door. We get outside and Reece starts to talk.

'Right okay, i spoke to Charlie and he said for me to talk to you. So I want to start off by saying I'm sorry! I'm sorry for accusing you of kissing James, I'm sorry for being a dick to you for the past few days. Sorry for ignoring you! I really am Allana. I love you and I trust you so I should of believed you from the start as I know you would never lie to me and I know you would never cheat on me! I'm sorry I love you! He says as he reaches in his pocket and he pulls out a Pandora box and he opens the box and inside is a silver necklace with a little heart in the middle. He takes it out and fastens it around my neck.' I'm so sorry Allana am I forgiven?' He says to me all in one breath

'Oh thank you so much Reece! I'm sorry too! I love you' I say to him. He then grabs my waist and connects his lips with mine. I kiss back and fireworks explode. His tongue then slides across my bottom lip to ask for an entrance but I decline just to annoy him, he then bites my lip and I gasp in shock and my mouth opens and his tongue slips in. They both start to fight for dominance and obviously Reece won. We then pull away and placed our foreheads on each other.

'I've missed that' I whisper

'Yeah me too' he answers and pecks me on the lips again he then takes my hand and we walk back into the games room, we go back to where Reece was sitting and he puts his arm around me and I lean into his chest

'I see that you two have made up!' Charlie says

'Yeah we have I got my girl back' Reece says.


At about 5:45 we started to get ready to leave as my mum and Courtney's Dad had come to pick us up. So when they pulled up we started to say goodbye to everyone. I first went up to Fleur

'Bye Sweetie! Stay in touch and Stay awesome!' She says to me

'Thanks Fleur, good luck and Thanks for looking out for me the past couple of months' I say

'No problem honey!' She says hugging me. I next go on to Andrea.

'Andrea, Caio I will miss you so much! Keep loving pugs and if you ever in London give me a call and I will come up'

'Sure thing girl! Have a good trip back love you crazy thing'

I then run up to Ben and give him a massive hug!

'Baenow' I say to him

'Hey there Squirt' he says to me as we use each other's nicknames for each other.' I cant believe your off! And that your nearly 15 and a half! This house is not gonna be the same without you Squirt! There will be no cool and quirky disney pyjamas! I will miss you kid!' He says to me ruffling my hair.

'Bye Baenow! Thanks for being like an annoying older brother!' I say to him as I start to tear up. I then say a quick goodbye to Lauren but I was never super close to her so that was really quick.

Saying bye to the Stereo Kicks lads will   Be the hardest. I hugged each one goodbye and had a short conversation with them and shared a few inside jokes with them. I then get into Charlie and me and him are like partners in crime. We have always been the ones to get into trouble, it's quite good we just blame it on our age. I give him a massive hug and have are really deep conversation with him.

After Charlie I go to Reece and just stay in his arms for ages. I start to cry and Reece starts to wipe away my tears!

'Hey beautiful it's okay, I will still see you really soon and we can Skype everyday. Okay. You have to go now but I love so much okay.' He says kissing my forehead. He then pulls out his phone and gets his camera up and he takes a photo I then get mine out and I get Reece and Charlie both in a photo hug them both once again and then get in the car with Summer and Tia.


During the car ride to go on Twitter and I see I have loads of notifications and I see that Reece has just tweeted me.

@ReeceBibby- I just got my girl back now she is leaving again! I don't want you to go love you so much @AllanaWinters

I load up the picture attached and it's the one we took as I was leaving and our first ever picture together at Bootcamp.

@AllanaWinters- Can't believe I'm leaving the X Factor house! I will miss these two so much you both mean the world to me @CharlieJones and @ReeceBibby

I then attach 4 photos one of me and Reece and one of me and Charlie and then 2 of the 3 of us.


A/N I am so sorry for the super long wait for updates! I have been so busy with GCSES and then I have barley been home for a month as I have been on holiday. And now I'm on holiday again and don't get back until the end of August.

Anyway as I'm really busy and have started to get writers block, I am looking for someone to be a co-writer on this story with me. So if you would like to be it just send me a message with your name, age, why you want to be the co-writer and anything else you think will be useful to me. I will pick a winner at the end of August and let them now and then more details will be given.

But until then goodbye!

Allana xx

Is it True? || A Reece Bibby/Stereo Kicks Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now