Chapter 15:Practise

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Today was Monday and we are going to the studio, to find out what song we are singing. I got up at 7 and had a shower then got changed into red jeans and a white TShirt with black glasses on.I then applied my normal make up. I then grabbed my phone and went downstairs to grab something to eat. After I finish eating the taxis have arrived so I get in one with the girls and we go down to the studios. When we get there are a few fans standing outside so we take some pictures with them and go inside.

We meet Louis inside and he told us that we are singing Don't stop Believing by Journey. I'm really glad we go that song because I know it really well thanks to Glee! We practise the song a few times then go to grab lunch, where we meet the Stereo Kicks boys. I sit next to Reece and we all have a good chat about what we are singing. After Lunch we go back to practising.

At around 6 we go back to the house and have some Chilli Con Carne for Dinner. We then all go into the living room , god knows how all 28 of us fit in there by the time I get in there, there is no where to sit so Reece gestures for me to come and sit on his lap. So that is what I do. We start to watch Indiana Jones. I hate those types of films so I am soon asleep on Reece.

The next morning I am in my bed so I presume Reece or someone had carried me up the stairs. Today I hade tutoring with Charlie, so I don't make much of a effort I just put on some jeans and a Batman hoodie. I it my hair up into a ponytail and I just apply foundation and mascara. I then go down and grab Reece's toast with Nutella on. I put on my shoes and get my phone from off the counter. I then go and meet Charlie at the door and we shout bye and go to tutoring. When we get there we have do different work as Charlie being in Year 10 and me in Year 11. I am doing Of Mice and Men. It's really fun note the sarcasm. After tutoring we go to the rehearsal studios for choreography.We have choreographed the whole routine today and are running it all.

Wednesday and today we are going back down to Hampshire to shoot a VT. When we get to the station there are loads of people standing there. We then take a trip to my school and I see all of my friends there. It run straight over to Hadley,Kenzie,Levi,Isaac,Dylan and Emily as I have not seen them in what seems like forever.It features my in my German Lesson with Dylan,Hadley and Kenzie.It then featured all 5 of staking pictures with everyone at break. It's really fun as I see loads of friends from other years aswell.

"So Allana, how is life in Xfactor and with Reece?" Hadley asks

"Yeah, it's great it I really miss you all!" I say back

"Well you have to promise us that you gonna get us tickets to come and see you live!" Dylan says

"Haha, yeah don't worry that can be arranged!" I laugh. " Can we get Miss over there to take a picture of all of us." I ask I hand my phone to my teacher. We then all do weird faces. I am pouting with my hand below my chin, Hadley was smiling while putting her hand over her mouth, Kenzie was doing the peace sign, Emily was putting hair over her mouth to make it look like she had a moustache, Levi was smiling with a really big toothy grin, Dylan had a double chin and Isaac was just looking really stupid. They then all insisted in taking one while the were carrying me. Lastly we took a nice one of us all just smiling.

"Hey Allana, we need to get ready to preform" Tia shouts to me

"Okay I will be there soon" I shout back to her. I then hug the guys and walk off to the girls.We go up on to the stage and perform Maps. After we performed we went to the girls College where everyone else goes. We got her and I'm just standing around following Courtney and Summer around like a little lost puppy. Soon we have to perform again.Once we have finished we go to Scarlett's house where all of are families are. I walk in the room and Aiden and Georgie run up and hug me. I then put them down and we all chat and have a small party.

At 7 we all say goodbye as we have to leave to get back to the house. We walk out and get into a taxi. When we get to the house I get changed into one of my pairs of frozen pyjamas. This pair has Olaf on says 'some people are worth melting for' the shorts also say that on but in different colours. I then walk downstairs to the living room and I take a seat next to Reece and Charlie J.

"Hey Allana, how was your day at home?" Reece asks me

"It was great actually, I got to see my friends and we took some pictures plus I got to see Aiden and Georgie so it was a great day! How was yours?"

"Oh yeah ares was great we were in the studio recording, but why don't you show your pictures the news is really boring"

"Okay, hold on!" I grab my phone and get up the pictures. "Okay so this Kenzie,Dylan, Hadley, Isaac,Emily and Levi" I say as he laughs at the poses we are doing.

"Aww they are cute, but who's that?" He asks pointing to a girl who is photo bombing are picture.

"Oh, that's Kathryn she's a bitch. She hit me and Emily and cheated on Levi with Isaac. I hate her and so does majority of the school .

"Well she sounds like a charmer doesn't she" he says as I just chuckle, "anyway cute pyjamas" he says to me as I laugh again.

"Aww thanks Bibby! I love them too" I say.


The next day we wake up at 9. I go and grab a shower and then curl my hair and put on a red crop top, and some white and black leggings as we have choreography today. I then apply my usual make up and then put some socks on and my black air maxs. I go down and I see the girls all waiting for me. We then leave and go in a taxi to the studio.

When we get there we choreograph everything and then we go to the studio record the song that goes on iTunes every week. After that we decide to go and grab a Starbucks. A few recognise us so we take pictures with them.we then go shopping and head back to the house. We eat dinner, it's Spaghetti Carbonara, but as I don't like it I have Nutella on toast.

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