Chapter Two: Revolutionary Army

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"You must carry on my will, Ryuki ... " A voice spoke, while a familiar face appeared in front of him on an empty grassfield. Ryu reached out with his hand, but it felt as if this person was fading off into the distance further and further by the second. He couldn't reach anything, pretty much bound in place and unable to do anything whatsoever. All he could do is watch as this person started to disappear.

Suddenly, he gasped for air, his eyes opening wide. For a moment, he doubted if he had truly woken up. He did at least until he felt his body ache, shocks of pain spread across his whole body. What was this pain from? And ... That's not the only thing he felt. He felt something else push into him that was quite soft. He tried moving slightly, feeling as if he was stuck and couldn't move aside. Was there something blocking him? Maybe he was sleeping against a wall or toward one? No no no ... Walls aren't soft.

He slowly turned his head to the right side as he felt a soft breathing pattern blow against his neck gently. The more he turned his head, the more he saw ... There was a person laying right next to him, clearly holding onto him in a firm fashion. A girl with light purple or even blue hair. Her eyes were of course closed since she was asleep. She seemed so peaceful, and familiar ... Wait a minute ... This is ...

He saw her before ... That day, when the group of strangers supposedly came to Gantz to save him, she asked his name. It was even possible to say that he was the one to save them instead on that fateful day ... Now, the question was, why exactly was this woman next to him and what exactly was she trying to achieve doing this? Even though it felt like yesterday that he struck down the demon, it had been a bit longer than a single day.

He could just barely move his body due to the extreme pain, trying to shove her away. It felt a bit awkward having a random woman clinging on to you. Perhaps she was trying to prevent him from running away? If that was the case, was he being held captive? She started moving slightly, as he heard a yawn next to him, most likely this stranger waking up.

"Hrhm ... Hmh? Oh- You're awake? Uhh ... Ryu, right? Name's Jun, we took you with us after you fainted." She said, looking at him with a quirked eyebrow for a moment. She was probably thinking he seemed to be a normal guy, which contradicts the things he pulled off. He was far from normal, but if he held such power, why did he only use it back then? Why did he go unnoticed so far?

Although quiet at first, he looked toward her with a single question on his mind, after being told her name. "... Where am I? You said you took me with you, I would have been fine in Gantz with some help ..." He said, as she looked at him and blinked her eyes. He didn't know anything that happened afterward. She pushed herself up, crossing her arms and letting out a sigh.

"Don't you remember what happened? After you struck down that demon, Gantz was pretty much gone. The demon destroyed the village and your single strike destroyed the ground, creating a crater that destroyed most of the ground around the area. The crater you made basically made it impossible to rebuild anything out there." She said, as Ryu's eyes widened.

Gantz was ... Gone? His attack destroyed Gantz? No way! This couldn't be! First his father, now his hometown? It was at that moment he knew he had nothing left to lose. He clenched his fists firmly, clearly furious about the thought. Gantz had been wiped off of the map, he had lost everything dear to him and had no place left to go. What was his purpose in life? He didn't know what to do anymore. Raising his fist, he smacked it down against the ground in anger.

"You're hurt- Don't do that. Take your time to rest. You've been unconscious for 2 weeks as is ... I'm the Captain of the Revolutionary Army's Wyvern Division. We can use your power to fight against the demons, to save humanity ... We need you!" She said, holding his hand gently as she smiled. Power? Right. He remembered now. He used some strange kind of energy and slashed up that demon in a single strike.

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