Unexpected anouncement

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Hyoora's POV

OMG,is this guy hugging me? Huhhh what happened?! Pheww overacting Hyoora,but seriously what happened!

"Goodmorning honey."-him

"You idiot,what happened last night? Why did you hugged me?!"

"Nothing,I hugged you because ur feeling cold."

"Guys! Its time to eat breakfast!"- unnie

"Okay! Coming down!"

I go down leaving chanyeol alone at the room,a few minutes he go down.

"Hyoora I'd decided that you and Chanyeol will marry again,and look you two dont have engagement ring is this just a acting?"-dad

"Dad,us? Acting? Its not true!"-me

"Yes uncle, Hyoora and I are not acting."-chanyeol

"Okay,even it is just a acting or true,chanyeol you will marry Hyoora next year."-dad

Hmmm.Dad I really really dont want to marry that idiot what should I do...

"Ur,exact date of ur wedding will be on Nov.27,2016."-mom

"Right ur birthday Hyoora!"-unnie

"Its chanyeol's birthday also."-aunt jiyoung

"Oh,triple celebration."-dad


Chanyeol's POV

I will marry that girl! This must not be happenning,I really dont want to marry that girl and exact date of my bday and her bday,hayzzz.

"Ok guys stop that plan,lets plan that next year but the exact date must be on Nov.27,2016,ok."-aunt leejin

What the hell!! I will really marry that girl!

Hyoora's POV

Omg.I dont want to marry that idiot guy,on exact date of my bday and his bday,THAT WILL BE MY WORST BDAY!

"Umm,dad or you really sure of ur decision?"-me

"Yes hyoora,im really really sure I will not pospone that wedding!"-dad

"Okay dad."

"Whats the problem,darling?"-dad


Dad is really sure of his decision.I will just forgive him because I love dad not that idiot.after eating I go upstairs with chanyeol.

"Chanyeol,do you want to marry me?"

"Of course not."

"Right,me too but we need to do this just for aunt,mom and dad."

Dramatic moment,but I really want to cry..I will do this for mom,aunt and dad..badmorning,but I will do this for mom,aunt and dad,I must do this.

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