Romulus and Remus

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~In the point of view of Romulus~

Remus and I have been fighting for days on who should be the only king. I am destined to be king I just know it. I just have to convince Remus of it. I could just as easily kill him. He’s my twin yes and we have built this city but I have to become king somehow right? Talking obviously isn’t going to help me, fighting physically can get us both killed and one of us has to become king theres no doubt. I am going to become king even if it means killing my own brother, I just have to become king of the city that we have built.

I am going over ways I could kill him but its not coming to me, I guess when the time comes the time will come. I don’t know anything about our real mother or father but we were raised by a she-wolf and eventually we were adopted by a shepherd's family. We have been through alot together. I don’t know how I’m going to kill him but when it comes time it will happen I guess. In the meantime life must continue. The city must have a king and it will not be filled until one of us is gone and that has to be Remus. I will become king, Remus has been somewhat more of a favorite everywhere we went, even with our she-wolf mother. When we were shepard boys the sheep always seemed to love him more, I guess they liked him more too. I am just going to have to show him that I don’t care if he was spoiled more his life it will only make him weaker and make me just that much more stronger. I will find a way to kill my own brother if it’s the last thing I do.

I’m sure my brother is trying to think of the same things that I am at the moment. Trying to think of ways that I will let him be king, but that is not going to happen this time. He will not win this battle I will. I don’t care what I have to do but he will be bowing down to me for once. I will be king and he will not. This city will live on with one king it will not if we keep quarrelling like this. I can’t take him much longer. I’m pacing back and forth and it’s not solving anything. I don’t have a plan and I probably will never will solve this. The only thing we did know was that one of us was probably going to die before this is over. That person will not be me it will be Remus and it is going to have to be soon. One thing's for sure this city wasn’t built in a day and neither is my plan against Remus, it will maybe someday be complete but who knows, we could spend our entire life quarrelling .

I’m going to go find him maybe we can finally solve this. One of us is most likely going to die but what will we feel like when our brother is gone will we feel happy or will we feel guilt? What will we feel? I must find him so we can get this over with. I have found him, he’s where he is always. We must figure this out.

~After Romulus killed Remus~

I have done it! I am now the proud king of the city. He was making fun of the wall I had built around the city, it serves it’s purpose, to protect the city of Rome. I no longer have to deal with my annoying brother, no longer criticizing my every move, it’s very peaceful with out him. I will never forget how it happened.

I hadn’t thought it out and I didn’t have any weapons or did he. I picked up the best thing I could find, a rock. I killed him with it. He didn’t even fight me back. Why not? Was he just going to give up and give me the city, I don’t think so. I was going to have to fight to the death, and we did, and for once I have won this battle. I’m glad that I can be free from him no longer having to watch him be perfect and now I can live in this now perfect city of Rome. Now that he is gone I have to figure out what to do next with this city, what should I do? There’s so much but I don’t know where to start. Do I start with this or that? So much to do and my brother would not have understood any of it.

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