Chapter 18: Cracks of My Broken Heart

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Youngjae's POV:

We arrived at Glen Whiskey Bar 10 minutes later. The waitress escorted us to a back table. 3 tall glasses of henney later Jackson was slumped over. "ANOTH..THER GLASS!!!" Jackson slurred at the waitress. She came with another glass in seconds.

"Jackson, that's your 4th glass. I think that's enough." Yugyeom carefully stated.

"Yeah, Yugyeom is right. Take it easy, man." I put my hand on Jackson's shoulder, but he simply slapped it away. Everyone was tired. The battle drained all of our strength, and to top it off Jackson dragged us to a bar late at night. We needed to rest.

Jackson was content in drowning his sorrows in alcohol. A real friend wouldn't let that happen. We were determined to help him, no matter the cost. After all, he'd do the same for us. JB stepped forward. "Do you want to talk about it?"

A sigh could be heard from him. He turned around on his stool, but he kept his eyes to the floor. Tears stained his face. "She kissed him." Illusion blinded him from the truth. We heard what Baldassare said to him just before Eden was stabbed by Andy... Cain... whoever.

"Did she kiss him, or did he kiss her?" Junior asked a valid question.

"I... I didn't wait for her to respond. I just left. Oh God! I just made a big mistake!" Jackson buries his head in his hands.

"How do you even know they possibly kissed?" JB studied Jackson for a minute before turning his attention to all of us.

“An hour into her disappearance my lips started to tingle, and I had the strangest taste on my lips. It's weird..." I gestured for him to finish. "It tasted like betrayal."

"Wow! That's deep!" I blurted. "Look man, we heard what Baldassare said to you about Eden still being in love with Andy. Though we've only known her for a short while it's evident that she's madly in love with you."

"Her past is tragic, but she chose you, and sealed her word by marrying you." Yugyeom cut in. "Andy and Eden have a complicated past. Do I think she loves him? Yes, but her heart belongs to you. I think she proved it to all of us by killing him."

"Have you taken a second to imagine how she might be feeling right now? She looked devastated. I couldn't imagine losing someone I shared a past with, much less a child with, and then having that person die by my hands." JB said teary eyed.

"Yeah, Baldassare is the Father of lies. Why would you believe anything he says? He's just trying to get in your head. Eden needs you the most right now." Junior slapped Jackson on the back of the head. "You choked her!!! Did you see the look on her face? It was the same face she had when Andy crashed her birthday party and held her against her will."

"What have I done?" Jackson cried!

"It’s nothing that can't be fixed." Gabriel appeared from nowhere. I chuckled at Junior, who jumped and put his hand over his heart.

"Would you stop doing that?! You almost gave me a heart attack!!!" Apparently Gabriel found it funny too, because he was having fits of laughter.

"I apologize, Junior." Gabriel chuckled. "Hmh" Junior said not believing the archangel. We all turned back to a depressed looking Jackson. "You need to go to her and apologize, and then tell her how you're truly feeling. Communication is the key to any relationship. I know you two will make it."

"And keep in mind that the Blood Moon is fast approaching... Use wisdom. Tomorrow is not promised today." I said glancing over at a guy who caught my attention. He's been staring at us since we arrived. Something seemed off about it. I couldn't quite out my finger on it.

Gabriel followed my gaze and stalked over to the stranger. We all followed suit, well Jackson stumbled. "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to deliver a message to Jackson." We all turned to Jackson who sobered up quickly. "Suite 303." And with that the man disappeared. Gabriel growled.

He spaced out for a quick second and then he looked worried. "I've have to go. Hurry back to your suite now." Gabriel disappeared. Jackson rushed to the bathroom and threw up.

Once he came out we all rushed outside to the truck. We made it to the door when Jackson's phone started ringing. "Yeah..."

"She's gone!" BamBam panicked.

"Calm down, BamBam! What are you talking about? Who's gone?" Jackson said on the verge of throwing up again. JB took the phone from him while he puked in the nearby trash.

"This is JB. What happened?" He put the phone on speaker as Mark spoke.

"Eden.... She's gone. She just disappeared. We looked everywhere, but there's no trace of her. We called everyone. They're on their way here. Hurry!"

"We're on our way. Hang tight." JB rubbed his temples.

"No! We're too late!" Jackson fell to his knees crying his heart out. "EDEN!!! COME BACK TO ME!!! I'M SORRY, BAOBEI!!! I... I DIDN'T MEAN THOSE NASTY THINGS I SAID!!! I LOVE YOU!!! YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT, RIGHT EDEN? EDEN!!!!!"

The scene was heartbreaking. I picked Jackson up and carried him to the car. There was a loud crashing sound coming from the phone. Mark and BamBam screamed and then the line had gone dead. "Crap! Let's go!!!"


Jackson's POV:

We rushed back to the suite and the scene before us couldn't be explained. Water was seeping out from under the door. I placed my hand on the doorknob, and in an instant we were all sucked into the room. No one had time to react. Mark, BamBam, Mr. and Mrs. Giles, my parents, Amber, Henry, Taecyeon, Fēi, Aiden and Gabe were floating at the top. I motioned for everyone to follow me. Everyone gasped for air. The entire room would be submerged under water within 5 minutes.

"Thank God you are guys are here... Wait how did you get in here?" BamBam said shivering.

"We were sucked in. Weird. I know." Yugyeom stated.

"We need to act quickly." My father said. "Let's try the windows and the doors to the balcony." We split into 2 groups. Me, Mark, Youngjae, JB, BamBam, Junior, Yugyeom and Aiden all headed to the window. Fēi, Gabe, Mr. and Mrs. Giles, my father and mother, Amber, Henry and Taecyeon swam to the door. Try as hard as we may we just couldn't break the glass.

Time ran out and so did our oxygen source. "God, help us!!!" I cried out in my heart! Just then an angel came. His hands extended and then clapped together, causing the water to dry up. Everyone fell to the floor coughing.

"Hello, my name is Michael. Come, we have much work to do." He extended his hand to us, which we gladly took. “Training starts now."

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