Chapter 14. Saving Megan

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Megan's POV

I sighed walking to the fridge looking for something to eat since my brother was out with friends, and my parents sure weren't there. I grabbed the milk out of the fridge and got the cereal box and bowl off the counter. Since I had no idea to cook so this would do.

I was in the middle of pouring the milk when I heard a large crash coming from the upstairs hallway, I was so startled I almost dropped the carton. But then I was frozen , what the hell was that? I stood there listening intently as I heard footsteps that sounded as if they came from my bedroom. I took my phone out of my pocket texting my brother.
"Are you here?"

He texted back almost immediately, "No, Y? Is something wrong?"

I started to freak out, I dialed the only person I knew was close by. Skyler.

She lived a house down, so I called her. It kept going to voicemail, god she wouldn't pick up. Was she mad at me? I called about six more times. I was so spooked out. Heavy footsteps went down my steps slowly, that's when I ran the fastest I've ever gone. I shoved myself into a nearby closet. It's not like I wasn't used to being in a closet anyways. But now is not the time for gay puns. I texted Skyler "I'm Scared, come quick." and slipped it back in my pocket hoping she would see that I really needed her now.

Then I heard the cereal bowl I had left on the counter smashed on the floor. And a very manly voice announce "I know you're here!" I started to shake from all the fear and adrenaline in my body. "Come out, come out where ever you are!" The scratchy voice yelled.

I stayed there wishing I would've ran out of the house.

The sound of footsteps went away for a minute then started to get closer, and closer. Then the door knob turned and I thought this was the way I was going to die.

Skyler's POV
"Pull over!" I said loudly.
"Why? We're almost to your house." Jacob asked slowing the car down.
"Just do it. I-I think Megan is in trouble I'll make there quicker on foot. Just meet me at her house." My heart racing beating so hard I felt like it was going to explode. "Jacob I'm seriously worried!"
He stopped the car and nodded "Okay meet you there."
Once I opened the car door and I ran faster than a sport's car maximum mph could go. Making it to her house in about 8 seconds. I didn't care to knock and ran in her house. I looked around frantically.
"Megan!" I yelled.


"Megan where are you!" I walked around still in complete silence. I stopped in my tracks once I came to the kitchen, broken pieces of a bowl on the hard wooden floor. A open carton of milk and a box of fruitie pebbles were still on the counter. I felt chills travel up my spine. I could feel it , the eeriness of the house as if something tragic did or was going to happen if I didn't find Megan quick.
I called for her once more , this time my voice was shaky, "Megan, are you here?"

I went towards the steps, I sprinted up them not wanting to waste any time. I looked around in the hallway, a painting that at one time hung on the wall was on the floor. I walked into her room, her door wide open, nothing seemed unusual or off. It looked like a regular teenagers room. It was beautiful just like Megan. I admired it for a few second since this was the first time for me to be in her house. Sure this isn't the way I'd like it to be, worrying like crazy. God, where was she? Was I too late?
Megan POV

The man violently grabbed me throwing me out of the small space. I slammed my head on the wall he threw my towards. "You dirty little slut!" He spat at me. He had tanned olive skin and thick messy brown hair, ripped jeans and a blue tshirt.

I was silent and was on verge of sobbing. I've never been this scared in my whole life. And my head hurt.

"Do you know what it's like! To have worked with your sorry excuse of a father!" He said with disgust seeping out of his voice.

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