first girl

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its been AWHILEEEE sorry:/! I'll just get to the story instead of blabbing kay byee hope you like it:)!

The next day was school. I knew I could face going, especially since I now have Cole by my side. Not as my boyfriend, just as a friend. I knew he could and would stand up for me if anyone came in my way. Cole knew all the guys looked at me like I could be their prostitute. That's what made him mad the most..sometimes it made me think he was jealous of something. But that's just my inner thoughts thinking what I want again.

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring out.."Today I don't feel like doing anythinggg..I just wanna lay in my bed, don't fee-" My hand slammed on the off button, even though this song was explaining exactly how lazy I felt today, and I definitely wanted to stay in my bed, I had to get up. Wow my alarm actually won today!

I layed out what I was going to wear before I jumped in the shower. I chose a white ruffle hollister skirt, and a navy blue hollister shirt..if I had enough money to buy the entire girls section of hollister BELIEVE me I would! I went to take a shower quickly, because I noticed it took me fifteen minutes just to find two pairs of clothing to wear. Hmm almost like I'm trying to impress I? I don't think I am. I took about a 10 minute shower, blow dried my hair, and left it that way. It was actually agreeing with me today and I didn't feel like messing with it. I put on a little eye liner and mascara. That's all I usually wear for makeup..once in awhile i'll put on eye shadow, but not today. I went and put on the clothes that I picked out. They look good put together.

My stomach all of a sudden had something to say.."roarrrr" I guess I shouldn't of skipped breakfast. I'll just eat when I get to school..if I have time. My phone started ringing and I caught myself not only smiling, but blushing..only cause I saw it was Cole.

"Hello" I anwsered

"Hey addie, I was just wondering if you wanted a ride to school today?"

"Yeah sure! That would be great..thanks Cole."

True to his word he showed up at my house about 10 minutes after the call. On..a..motorcycle!!! I wonder if he knows Im deathly afraid of them!

"Cole!!! I am NOT getting on that thing!" I whine

"Too late, im already here! Come put this helmet on." He says as he hands me the helmet.

"Do I really have to, my hair looks good today!"

"Dont whine Addie..just put the helmet on." He says laughing quietly.

"I heard that.." I said as I put the helmet on. Which is way to big for me.

"Now get on" he says

"Ughhhhh! Your going to pay for this, Cole!"

"I know" He says with his usual smirk.

"Hang on tight" He says as he winks at me.

"Dont tell me what to d-" I suddenly grab him as he speeds up, knowing how big of a smirk he has on his face now.

Once we get to the school I take the helmet off..which didnt make my hair as messy as i thought it would.


As she takes the helmet off, I cant help but stare at her. Her light brown hair was blowing with the fall breeze, her face is always so lightened up. And dont forget the cute little freckles on her nose. I dont know what it is about her, but everytime im with her I dont want to go. Everytime I leave her I feel like somethings missing. And everytime a guy looks at her, I feel like punching them in the face, knowing what there thinking. I cant help the way I feel for her, I just cant tell her though. She wouldnt believe me..even if I tried proving it to her I couldn't think of any way. I though for a little bit why i couldnt. Then I realized..the real reason I cant prove it. You cant prove love, you can only show it.


I know its short sorry, the next ones wont be i have a lot of ideas for the upcoming chapters..soo STAY TUNED lol..jk But please tell me what you think! VOTE VOTEEEEEE:) voteee lol..byeee:)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2011 ⏰

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