First Girl

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Its been about two weeks since i talked to Cole. Ive been trying to avoid him at school, and just deleted all the voicemails he's left me. I dont want to hear his excuses,or any lies. I saw him kissing her..and her giggling to one of his jokes. I dont want to get caught up in a guy i cant have. After i was done thinking things over the house phone rang.

"Hello, this is nurse Kelly, im looking for Kacey Collins."

"He isnt here right now, but this is his sister, can i leave a message?"

"Im sure you would want to know too. Yesterday your parents tried to catch a ride home from their trip to Jamacia. The plane started having difficulties, acting up from a storm. The auto pilot ended up crashing and the plane couldnt take the pressure. The Plane was found this morning around 2 AM."

i was so worried. i didnt know what to think!

"So, is everyone okay?"

"I am very sorry to tell you, but both your dad and mo.."

"Step mom.."

"Yes, your dad and your step mom are unconscious."

"Will they be okay? Can they still come back!"

"Well we're afraid that they'll lead into a coma. And after that theres no telling what will happen Once again im very truly sorry..and i will make sure to update you with good and bad news."

I hung up..i felt so bad. How could i treat Carrie like that..! I am so stupid, nobody should ever deserve anything like that! I never told her or my dad goodbye. And now i might not get to! I didnt know who to talk i called cole.

"Addie! You called!"

"Listen, i didnt call to talk about last week. My parents got in a plane crash early this morning, and they could lead into a coma. I didnt know who else to talk to."

"Oh my gosh, Addie im so sorry. Is there anything i can do."

"Other than take me to Jamacia to the hospital, no."

"Actulay, i have family there. Let me call you back in one sec."

he hung up and i waited twenty long minutes. Then my ringtone started.."I must confess that i feel like a monster!!"


"Addie im about to come pick you up, were going to drive to the airport. I got two tickets to Jamacia, and we will be there by 8o'clock tonight."

i saw his car in my driveway and ran out side..this shall be interesting..scary..devestating..all but exciting. I just had to see my mom and dad one last time..just in case.

We got there about 8:30. We took a cab to a Sister hospital. I went to room 204, walked in and saw two hospital beds. With white sheets..covering two bodies, just laying still.


:/ scaryyy ! Please comment and vote!:)

First girlWhere stories live. Discover now