First girl

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I woke up the next morning with a big smile on my face. Last night, Cole whispered to me that he thinks he likes me, he also called me beautiful! Me being me, i asked him why he thought that. He told me.."I love how your hair falls in its dark brown curls. I love the way your eyes sparkle the golden brown they were, everytime i look at you. Your smile is amazing, and i absolutely love your laugh and voice! Honestly..if you want the truth..i also liked your legs in those skinny jeans you wore to school yesterday. You caught my attention right away, And the shirt you wore fit your body perfectly and purple definatly is your color!"

I didnt say anything..i just gave him a smile, and i know for sure that i blushed. I couldnt wait to get to school. This morning felt like everything was in place. I decided to wake up early and do my hair. The other day was sort of rushed. I curled my hair and put my bangs up. I found some skinny jeans, can you tell i love them? They were dyed a pinkish color, and around the holes they were black speckled. I wore a black v-neck and a white tanktop underneath. I also felt trendy and put on a black beaded long necklace! I threw some makeup on and went down to make some breakfast.

I was just in time for the bus today! I got on and heard my name being called. I felt my face get hot when i saw that it was Cole. He pointed at his seat like he knew i was going to ride today so he saved it. When i sat down a saw some people pointing and guys whistling. We started talking and a random fight started! I guess some guys bestfriend went out with his girlfriend? I know i havent been here long..but i cant stand fighting! I got up and somehow got in between them.

"Hey your hot and i do want you beside me, but just stay out of this."

"Uhhumm..thanks? But really just sit down..dont do something you'll regret the rest of your life."

"I definatly wont regret this..he didnt when he slept with my girlfriend."

"I did not! And i never would do that! Is that what your pissed at me about!" his "friend" said

"See! You guys just sit down everything isnt what it seems." i tried to stop the yelling

They both looked at me then sat down. Jeeze guys can act like teenage girls sometimes!

"Wow Addie! I didnt know you had that in you." Cole said all suprised.

"I've been living with fighting all my life..i cant stand it anymore."

He looked confused and then changed the subject.

"Hey! i know this sounds nerdy and all..but do you want to come to my house after school and study for the Anatomy test?"

I laughed, "Yea sure..." We both started laughing.

It was now lunch time and i had no where to sit. I decided to go to an empty table..i havent really gotten the chance to meet some people. So i just ate by myself the whole lunch period..a couple guys  wouldnt stop staring, including the one who took me in the closet. I kept thinking about how hot he was..his light brown hair swished..he looks like a skateborder. He has dark brown eyes, they look glassy like. OK! Addie stop thinking about him!! You know you cant like just forget about it!

The end of the day came and i walked up Cole's drive way..then remembered he told me about his dad. He said his dad is always sleeping because he works night shifts. So, he told me to walk up the deck stairs that lead to his bedroom. I did as he said..and when i got up there i heard a girls voice. He never told me he had a sister..i was about to knock on the window. Then..i saw him. On his bed, with another girl. He must of saw me because he stopped right away. I ran down the steps and i had tears running down my face.

"Addie! Wait stop!" he said begging.

"I guess you found another study date..its fine! Im just gonna go."

I left quickly and ran up to my bedroom.


"See what you just did! I told you jayna, we are over."

"We dont have to be!"

"Well i want to be! Just leave..i knew talking wasnt a good idea! i told you i had a study date, and when you heard someone coming up the stairs you forced me to kiss you! You ment to make her leave..and you cant stand that i like another girl..just dont talk to me anymore. Go home and please dont bother coming back or apologizing!"

"Hey this is Addie sorry i missed your call, just leave your name, number, and a message and ill try to call you back! Thanks bye!" over and over head was racing..

"Just please Addie..pick up..let me explain."


I hope you liked it..please comment and tell me what you think!!:)

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