Chapter 14: Free Day

Depuis le début

“Harry hates them.” Liam said, as if remembering.

“Seriously?” Dakota asked, then laughed. “What a pansy!”

Harry pouted. I nudged him with my elbow. “Hey, I’ll stay with you during the rides if you want.”

“Seriously?” He asked, eyes widening, smile broadening.

I nodded. I didn’t have anything against rollercoasters, but I knew the feeling of being left alone in an amusement park. “Aw, that means some of us will be riding alone.” Dakota pouted. “Oh well.”

The driver stopped in front of the entrance, saving us a walk. We climbed out one by one. I found it surprising just how empty the park was considering it was near the end of summer. “This is great!” Louis said, “No people around to mess with us! Hell yeah, let’s go!”

He started walking ahead and Niall ran to jump on his back. Today was seriously going to be fun. Not surprising how everyone wanted to get on a rollercoaster first. They all got in line and Harry and I decided to wait on them. “I got a feeling all their going to ride are the coasters.” Harry pouted, checking out the map. “There’s… seven of them! Jeez.”

I thought for a moment before grinning at them, “Wanna ditch them? We can check out the other rides while they have their own fun.”

“You sure? I thought you wanted to hang out with the others?”

I shook my head, “It’s okay. It’s better than being stuck on a bench while they have fun.”

I brought out my phone, dialing Dakota’s phone. I could see her in line so I know she wasn’t about to board yet. “Yeah?”

“Harry and I are going to walk around and ride other rides, so we can meet up later.”

I saw her move in line to see where we were. “Oh, okay. Let’s meet up for lunch then. We’ll see you later!”

From here, I could see the biggest grin on her face. She waved, along with the other four. I stood up, hitting Harry’s shoulder to get his attention. “Come on, let’s go.”

He got up and we started walking. His nose was still stuck in the map as we walked. “What should we ride?”

“How about the first thing we pass?” I asked, looking at him.

He shrugged. “Alright. Screw the map, I can’t understand it anyways.”

I laughed and we walked for about five minutes before we came across our first ride. “Seriously…?” Harry asked.

It was a mini-coaster for little kids. I laughed and grabbed his arm, “Come on. We agreed on the first ride. It probably doesn’t last three seconds.”

He made a face but otherwise came along. I kept my arm wrapped around his. I never realized how long we were like that until we got up to the person who was to lead us in. “On a date?” He asked, grinning at the two of us.

I blinked, not saying anything at first. “Sure am.” Harry grinned.

“Your girlfriend scared of the big ones?” He asked, pointing up at a rollercoaster.


I snorted. “Hell no. He’s the one who pussied out.”

Harry gaped at me, not believing what I said. The guy and I laughed as he let us in. We got tucked in, Harry pouting at me. “You totally just killed my man pride, you know.”

“Love you, Harry.” I smiled, laughing.

Was I imagining things? I could’ve sworn he just took in a breath, like he just lost it. I looked around, seeing kids get in the ride. “Okay.” I said, looking around. “How about the next ride we get on not being a kiddie ride?”

Time of Our LivesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant