Chapter 13: Bad to Worse

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I buried my face in my free hand before I heard Bonnie speak up again. “Okay. Listen to this, I’m looking around. The story is really popular, but there are extra stories. It seems Harry was able to explain on a talk show that the accusations were false and just a misunderstanding. It seems Louis just went after you after Liam confessed- Holy fucking shit, Dakota! Liam confessed to you! How come I’m only finding about this now?”

“Bonnie…” I begged.

“Okay, I’ll drill the details out later. Let’s see… okay, Liam confessed, you left and Louis went after you since he heard everything that was said. He only took you out for a milkshake to cheer you up. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s seems like a completely honest answer, though the media is having a hard time believing it. Wow, I can’t believe my best friend is hot news and people barely know who you are…”

“Is that it?” I asked.

“From what I can find, yes.” Bonnie said. “Dakota, I understand that you’re upset and worried, but don’t worry. Stuff like this happens all the time in the media. It’ll die down after a while, just keep a low profile… Well, I suppose that’s impossible since you’re hanging out with One Direction. Okay, okay… Oh, God.” Bonnie broke out, gasping some.

“What?” I asked.

“Dakota, promise me something.” Bonnie said, voice urgent and stern.

“What is it?” I sighed.

“Whatever you do… do not go on Twitter until I tell you. Actually, avoid all social networks if possible. Seriously, stay off the internet.”

I swallowed. It couldn’t be… “Is it that bad?”

“Very. Please, in all the years we have been friends… even if it’s been just eighth grade, please, as your best friend, take my advice. Do not go on anything. I’m doing this to protect you.”

My hand clenched into a fist. Just… how bad? “Bonnie… I’m going to go. I’m tired.”

A heavy sigh was heard. “Okay. Stay safe. I’ll stay in touch with the news and update you, okay?”

“Alright. Love you, girl.” I said.

“G’night. Love you too, babe.”

We hung up and I laid back, staring at my phone. It was so tempting to just look. No, I promised Bonnie. I’ll have Kariann look later on and ask just how bad it was. It couldn’t be that bad, right? God, I hope not. I did feel a little better though. I haven’t talked to Bonnie in a few days and my life seemed a little better after hearing her.

I should’ve talked to her longer, ask how she was. I shouldn’t have made the call just about me. I should’ve asked about her family and if she’s made any jobs in the modelling world, something she’s been interested in for a while. I stuck my phone on its charger before throwing the covers over my head.

The first day of everything is always the hardest and slowest. Yesterday was that first day. Today, the second. I was feeling a lot better now knowing that the updated information Bonnie told me before seemed to clear up a lot of misunderstandings. I kept my promise of not checking out any social sites. I knew that I had to be stronger and ready. Now wasn’t the time. I needed to accept everything that was happening and learn to live with it.

There was only one way that I knew of that could help with that. I was creeping up the stairs. Louis was pulling what Harry did once before, locking himself onto his bed. This time we all knew why, so we were understanding. “Louis?” I called out as I peeked my head out.

His phone was over his head as he slid his finger on it. He paused for a moment before looking over at me. “Dakota?”

“It’s me.” I answered, walking toward him slowly.

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