The Killer

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A/N; If you are uncomfortable with blood/death, I recommend you don't read this story.

"You should come over" my friend , Hannah, begged for the thousandth time today.

"I already told you I can't."

"But why not?" she said, giving me her best puppy dog eyes. I shook my head and started to walk past her house.

"At least give me a hug!" I heard her say from behind me.

I did as she asked, noting that she smelled like shed been around my mother lately.

"You smell like my mom" I joked as I backed away.

"Do I? I haven't been around your mother all day." Oddly, she sounded nervous as she said it.

"Are you sure you can't stay?"

"Positive" I sighed, already walking away.

I walked down the street that led to my house, not paying attention to the oscillating trees as I passed them by. I stopped in front of my house, and looked at it. It looked exactly the same as it did when my mother and I had moved in 7 years ago. The blue paint still peeling, the window frames still chipping, the third step on the front porch still missing, and all.

I smiled to myself as I walked up to the front door, and turned the brass handle to the right. The door creaked as I pushed it open and walked in. I breathed in the familiar smell of my house.

"I'm hom-" I started to say, but I was interrupted by what seemed to be breathing behind me.

I snapped around, only to find nothing but the swaying trees, and the dancing leaves on the ground. I closed and locked the door behind me, laughing at my own ignorance.

I dropped my book bag in my room and headed towards where I knew my mother would be. The living room. Walking up to the door that lead to the living room, something I slightly cracked the door, only to shut it immediately after. The room had been pitch black. I knew it was childish but I'd been scared of the dark forever, and I had yet to get over the irrational fear. I took a deep breath, and skittishly pushed the door open. The room was even darker than Hitler's sense of humor.

"Mom?" I called from the entrance of the dark living room, still not daring to go in.

I stood in the door frame, hoping for an answer so I didn't have to walk into the dark room. Even turning on the lights was out of the question, for the light switch was on the other side of the room.

"Mom?" I called feebly again.

Still I received no answer. I paced back in forth in the door frame, before hesitantly stepping into the darkness. The room was unnaturally dark, it seemed that even the light that was casting in from behind me had no effect on it. The floorboards creaked under my feet, making me jump at the sound. I scampered across the room and flipped the light switch.

I kept my back to the wall, and scanned the room around me. There was nothing out of the ordinary, except that smell. The room didn't have its usual dusty scent, it smelled more like the fetor of decay. I spotted what looked like my mother lying on the couch, a blanket covering most of her body.


I laggardly walked up to the couch, the scent seemed to be radiating from it. I closed my eyes, and gingerly pulled the cover off of my mother. I unenthusiastically opened my eyes. I stood in shock at what laid before me. There she was, my mother, in a bountiful amount of her own blood.

"Do you like my present?" A familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see her. Hannah.

Hannah's P.O.V

"Do you like my present?"

Emmie turned around slowly, and looked at me in shock. Without warning, she threw herself into my arms.

"Thank you." she mumbled into my chest.

"Wha-" I tried to say, but was interrupted by my own knife being pushed slowly into my stomach.

My knees gave out, but Emmie held me up. I looked at her, my vision already beginning to get fuzzy. She leaned in close enough for me to feel her breath on my ear.

"Thanks for doing my job" she smiled eerily as she pulled out my knife. "Nice knife. I think I'll keep it as a souvenir."

I tried to breathe, only to find myself congested with blood. Emmie laid me on the floor and looked at me.

"You were a good friend."

She pushed my bangs out my face, and I closed my eyes.

First story. Fuck yeah

-Goner ^-^

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