Let's Not Fall in Love | Amon Koutarou

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亜門 鋼太朗|Amon Koutarou

You secured the clean bandage gently with your thumbs over the older male's orbs. His teal eyes seemed to be looking past you. You could easily tell that his mind was else where.

You couldn't blame him for it of course. Over the past few days, the loss of investigators had begun to increase with the arrival of Rabbit and Eyepatch. Mado-san was a part of the amount who had recently passed away. His death caused Amon an unbearable pain that pulsated throughout him nonstop. It broke your heart to see the man you loved fall apart at the loss of someone whom he admired.

After the funeral, Amon had begun to push himself beyond limit. As much as you tried to convince him not to blame himself for Mado's death, Amon continued to tear himself down. The days passed along and the male paid no attention to your pleas; the only thing you were able to do was to keep on insisting as you watched him.

His chapped lips moved, but his voice was inaudible. You shifted over to the foam bed and sat next to him. Your hands lightly cradled his cheeks as you faced him towards you.

"Koutarou..." you whispered under your breath as his forehead pressed against your own.

Your glassy [color] orbs gazed into his colored ones. Without much thought, your slim arms wrapped around his neck. Rosy cheeks touched hand in hand as a waterfall of tears flowed.  The moon peeked silently through the white shades as it watched the hearts break. Sobs danced within the shadows of the room as you could no longer keep in the agonizing emotions.

You shivered and shook. The fear of Amon disappearing caused your fingers to tighten. You buried your face into his neck inhaling the strong cologne that arose from him. All during this time he had not moved a single muscle.

His teal eyes stared into the dark abyss of the large room. He sat quietly while you whimpered and wept. He resembled a statue frozen in time: still and unmoved. He felt emptiness within him, but he also felt pity for you. Pity for the woman raveled into the web of tragedies.

"K-koutarou," you cried out to him. "T-talk to me, pl-ease. I love you!"

He loved you too, but wasn't about to let yourself get involved with him any further. It was for your own safety. He had it ingrained into his mind that it would be better if you distanced yourself from him. He wasn't ready to have anyone close to him be lost by those monsters. A violent war against ghouls was not a place set for you. There was nothing that could change his mind, especially not you.

A soft sigh left his lips, and he finally looked into you [name] orbs. At the sight of his teal pools of color, your eyes danced with hope. He was listening to you; he responded. He lifted his forehead off from yours and sat upright. His large warm hands cupped your cheeks as you cried happy tears. You sniffled as you tired to calm yourself down. His thumbs wiped the tears spilling from your orbs while your small hands traveled to hold his own. The corners of your mouth tucked upwards at the touch of his skin.

"[Name]," your named echoed throughout the room.

Your soft [color] lips connected with his own. It was filled with the passion that ignited the love that you had for each other, but the kiss had a taste of apologies. He kissed you with lust and hunger. He kissed you like it was going to be the last time.

All of a sudden, his body arose from the bed, breaking the moment of bliss. He walked towards the door way as you watched with confusion. He paused for a moment and turned towards you. Your heart pounded at the suspense as you awaited his next actions. A gnawing feeling scratched at your insides. What was happening?

Silence stood waiting while he took in the sight of you. He collected every detail of your face and kept it safe in his mind. Your image would give him reason enough to fight. He drew in a deep breath and tucked his hands into his pockets. His colored glassy eyes looked onto you.

"Let's not fall in love."


The last line was inspired by "우리 사랑하지 마라요 (Let's Not Fall in Love)" by Big Bang (-: I was listening to it while writing this and yeah, lol. Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


Up next: Takizawa Seidou

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