Interuptions | Tsukiyama Shu

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月山 習|Tsukiyama Shu

Warning: Mild Lime and an OOC Tsukiyama ;_;

You gripped the handle of the door as you mentally prepared yourself for the night. Anything could happen.

Your sweaty palms twisted the knob and the light click from the door sounded. The bell that hung on the top right rang loudly as it announced your presence. You slowly scanned the small coffee shop until you came across the familiar purple hair do. Tsukiyama spotted you as well and happily waved his hand over to where he sat.

You elegantly made your way to the table and Tsukiyama respectfully pushed back your chair for you to sit in. You smiled sweetly to him as you pushed back a strand of hair that had escaped from behind your ear.

"Bonjour [last name]-san." A smirk ran across his face as his greeting dripped with sweet venom.


The two of you ended up spending most of the afternoon at Re: enjoying your drinks, but before you knew it, you had found yourself sitting in his couch apartment. It was a turn of events when he had asked you to come over. Being the person you were, you ended up agreeing.

You sat on the couch and patiently waited for him to come back from wherever the heck he was at the moment. When the two of you had first entered the room, he had asked you to make yourself comfortable in the living room while he went to go do some "business" or whatever. You shrugged off what he said at the time, but you began to get very curious. What could he be doing that's taking him so long?

Your curiosity ended up getting the best of you. You stood from where you were sitting and began wondering around his gigantic apartment. You lost count of how many rooms were in the building after you had counted 6. As you were snooping around, you came across a very elegant door. Beautiful figures of man were carved into the white wood. Each figure had its own distinguished features. The handle was a broad golden yellow. You extended your arm out and carefully twisted it so that its click wouldn't be so loud.

You peeked through the crack it created and there in your line of vision you saw a shirtless Tsukiyama. You gulped at his perfectly structured body. His toned milky colored chest struck out to you. It was rude to stare, but you couldn't stop. Without a second passing, Tsukiyama's purple orbs met yours. You panicked and quickly tried to shut the door, but Tsukiyama's fast reflexes and strength kept you from doing so. He pulled you in by the waist and pressed you against him.

"Calmato [last name]-san. What were you doing watching me?" And there was his seductive smirk once again.

You attempted to answer, but no sound came out. You just stood there in his arms too flustered at the fact that you were being embraced by a half naked man. Tsukiyama could clearly see just how embarrassed you were at the moment. It honestly amused him. Your reactions to everything he did entertained him and he found it "cute." He decided to tease you for a bit.

"[Name]-chan, I think you need to be taught a lesson..." He licked his lips and smiled. Your cheeks burned to a crimson, just the reaction that he had looked forward to. He lowered his pink lips down to your jaw. He placed kiss after kiss on your sweet skin and slowly traveled down to your neck. His wet delicate kisses made your skin burn with desire. You didn't want to admit it, but you wanted more.

You held on to his muscular arms and tightly closed your [color] eyes. A few sounds peeped from your mouth as Tsukiyama softly nibbled on your neck. His tongue slithered and spun around heating you up for more. Your heart beat began to accelerate with each passing moment.

Tsukiyama halted his actions and peered down into your eyes. The expression you were giving him was one he had never seen before. He definitely didn't expect this from you. Lust sparkled through your [color] orbs as they begged for more. A small quite voice reached his ears:

"Tsukiyama-san, I-I-I want...more..."

Your request surprised him. His expression made you worry. 'I shouldn't have said that,' you thought to yourself. Before you could take back what you had voiced. Tsukiyama lifted you up and wrapped your legs around his torso. You were caught off guard as he tenderly kissed your lips and made his way over to his bed.

He gently set you down on the soft mattress and hovered over you. A small smile spread across his features. He passionately took tastes from your lips. He sucked on your bottom lip and then lightly bit. His kisses were short and hot. He kept on teasing your lips with short brushes. The next time he did it, you slightly nipped him back.

Tsukiyama snickered at your actions and moved his lips back down to your neck. He continued with loving smooches. His rough fingers began to travel up the dress you were wearing. His hands gripped onto your thighs as he brought you closer to him. Your own hands traveled up and down chest feeling each and every toned muscle; you never missed a spot.

Like an expert, he swiftly removed your dress revealing your undergarments. You tried to hide your body, but Tsukiyama wouldn't allow it. His large hands climbed up to your chest. He removed the fabric and started to grope your breasts. Slight moans escaped your plump (l/c) lips. Before he was able to brush his lips over your buds, a loud ring echoed throughout the apartment.

With panic, you hurriedly threw on your bra and dress as Tsukiyama struggled to button up his shirt. When he was finished, he dashed out of the door and proceeded towards the front door. A few minutes had passed and Tsukiyama had not returned. You decided to see what was up; however, before you could do so, Tsukiyama appeared at his room's entrance.

"Who was it Tsukiyama-san?"

"It was Kaneki-kun."


Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time!


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