"What the hell is wrong with me?" He mumbled, hitting his head as he walked to class.


"Lewis!" Niall laughed as Louis picked him up and spun him around in the school parking lot.

"Nail Whoren I love you so much." Louis smirked, kissing the blonde's pale cheek.

Niall glared at his best friend as he crossed his arms.

"Anyways!" Niall yelled as people starred at him. "Are you ready for tonight?" He smiled.

"So ready!" Louis laughed. "Let's get going blondie."

Niall blushed as his best friend opened the car door for him.

Wow. He really was staring to feel ridiculous.


"Louis!" Niall cried as the subway train stopped. "I can't believe we're gonna miss the concert."

"Shut up." Some stranger groaned. "We're all stuck on here too and we don't want to listen to a whiny bitch."

"Listen here you fucker." Louis growled as he stood up. "Call him a bitch one more time and I'll make you mine."

"Louis." Niall sniffled grabbing his friends hand. "Calm down. I'm okay." He smiled weakly.

"No." Louis snapped. "This asshole needs to be taught a lesson."

Louis grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt and pushed him up against the train's wall. "What?" He asked tightly. "You got nothing to say now?"

Louis scoffed before he threw the guy on the ground.

Niall couldn't help but feel a certain pull in his stomach every time Louis stuck up for him. Ever since he could remember Louis always had his back. It didn't matter if it was kids on the playground kicking him around or guys in high school calling him a fag, Louis was always there and Niall loved him for it.

Come to think of it, Niall loved a lot of things about Louis. The way he would style his hair depending on his mood. Or all the tattoos that covered his godly tan body. Niall also loved the fact the Louis can't even sit down without crossing his legs cutely. Niall took notice to everything Louis did and if that meant he was a stalker than so be it.

Louis sat back down next to his blonde friend and pulled him close.

"Louis." Niall whispered as he leaned his head on the older boy's shoulder.

"Yes babe?" Louis hummed as Niall's stomach flipped from the word.

"About you and Zayn." He started, but before he could say what he wanted the driver spoke over the speaker.

"Passenger, we've managed to fix the problem and the train will be moving in the next minute." Just as he said that the subway train started moving again. "Or next second." The driver chuckled.

Louis smiled and looked down at Niall. "What were you gonna say?"

"Nothing. It's ridiculous." Niall smiled softly looking down.

"Looks like we'll make our concert. We're just gonna be a few minutes late." Louis chuckled.

"Louis it's been an hour." Niall laughed. "Maybe we could just hang out for the night." He smiled, blushing slightly.

"Yeah. That sounds nice." Louis smiled back. "Let me just text Zayn real quick."

"Oh, yeah." Niall sighed. "I should probably message Harry as well."

"Yeah." Louis hummed.

Niall didn't like this. He didn't like the fact that Louis was getting closer to Zayn, but he had Harry. Niall was just being ridiculous. He didn't have feelings for his best mate. That would just be insane.

Niall laughed lowly at himself as he pulled his phone out.

"What's so funny Ni?" Louis asked, not looking up from his phone.

"Just a text from Harry." Niall mumbled. "Nothing you'd want to know about."

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