Chapter seven: The Vase

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Stella: Guys were home!

Mercus: Yeah,so much for the humiliation

Stella: Hahaha get owned!

Mercus: hey guys could yo...

Emillia: ohh they're here QUICK ACT NORMAL!

Emillia:ohhh hey guys how is the grocery goi'n?

Stella: Fine...wait you guys seem up to something?

Emillia: No were not haha...Mercus can I talk to you in a minute?

Mercus: Yeah sure

Emillia: We kind of broke something special to you...

Mercus: And what is that special thing?

Emillia: The Vase

Mercus:WHAT!? That vase was priceless!

Emillia: Were sorry :(

Mercus: How can you fix it?HOW!

Emillia: I don't know =(

Mercus: Fine,Fine I'll try to fix it...I'm doomed when Stella Finds out about this...

Stella: punching bag!Come here!help me with the groceries!

Mercus: Here goes nothing... Coming!

Stella: here take this...


Stella: Hey,punching bag you okay?

Mercus:yeah yeah I'm fine why?

Stella: You always say okay when something is not okay...

Mercus: no everythings fine yeah...(how can I tell this to her =( )

~mercus went to his room~

Mercus:oh god how can I do this?

Stella: Hey punching bag I...

Mercus: Stella!

Stella: what happened to your vase?

Mercus: You see that its broken...Please don't hit me!

Stella:haha...I won't

Mercus: huh?

Stella:look punching bag I only hit when you need to be thought a lesson,not for no reason...

Mercus: oh,well I can't fix this now I guess...this was my favorite vase my mom gave this to me when I was 10 before she even died...

Stella: Close your eyes...

Mercus: Okay...

~stella fixes mercus' vase~


Mercus: fixed it?

Stella: Yeah

Mercus: why are you so nice to me?

Stella: That's What friends are for right? helping each other and...

~mercus hugs stella~

Mercus: ~crying~ t..thank you stella...

Stella: You're welcome...Mercus

Mercus: wow for the first time you actually said my name.

Stella: it's you're name right? I should call you that...=)

Stella: I need to go know...



Mercus: Good night Stella...

Stella: Good night Mercus...

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