Chapter 16 ~ Should I really Trust no One?

Start from the beginning

It's still creepy everytime I look at that page. I shoved the journal away from my face. I think I shoved it too hard because I think it caused Dipper to sit down on the bench hardly. I heard him mutter a quick 'ow'.

I cleared my throat and dismissed what had happened.

"Uh, okay then. Next time you put a journal in front of a person's face, make sure the page isn't disturbing." I adviced him then scampered towards the dim-lighted room once more. I didn't want anyone or anything following me so I ran as fast as I could.

I shut the door behind me and sighed. "Keeping secrets from others ain't gonna do good to you, but it will do good to them." I muttered and studied the whole room, seeing if there are any secrets that can help in my plan.

To study some of these means I have to make my own secret plan. I know Tad has something big planning and he's determined to pull this off. Obtaining the journals, I let that slide, but possessing Bill's body, trapping us here for almost a week, and not bothering us much!?

He's definitely trying to gain something even more important than the journals. And if my hunch is right, he'll never apprehend it. It'll be too risky if I let the others get involved. I need to face him on my own.

I'll have to pull this off with or without them..

(A.N- HAHA cliffhanger from Ford. Remember this.. big things are coming.. and I won't let anything or anyone get in my way *cue evil grin*)

Dipper's POV

That's strangely odd. Grunkle Ford just flew off, not literally though. I wonder what he was talking about with the putting-journal-in-front-of-face advice. I still didn't close the journal and it was still on the same page. I observed the page and my eyes did the same thing as what Grunkle Ford did too.

Bill.. I wonder how he's doing.

A loud bang became audible from the same room. This time everyone awoke and exchanged glances.

"What the heck was that!?" Mabel panted from her surprise awakening. She seemed to be having a good dream.

"I don't know, but it's coming from Great Uncle Ford." I said. Wendy rubbed her eyes, Soos adjusted his dark green hat, Grunkle Stan huffed as his fez fell over his forehead, he growled and adjusted his hat. Mabel is, Mabel is, what the!?

"Guys! Did you notice Mabel!?" I panicked. They exchanged looks and stayed silent but Grunkle Stan broke the silence.

"She can't be gone.. where is she? How could she just disappear like that? What could've happened to her?" His voice began to rise from either sadness, worry or anger. His eyes locked onto mine. I was too afraid to look away. I didn't even know if he was asking himself or me. But I had a feeling that he wanted an answer other than his own.

"I-I have no clue. I just saw her seconds ago th-then poof! Sh-she's--"

"I know what happened, idiot! I'm asking you if you have any clue to where she might headed off!" His voice higher than before but still in a low enough tone to not sound like a shriek.

"I really don't know.. she couldn't have just run off. Maybe something or someone took--" Darn it! I can't finish even one sentence!

"Dipper! G-guys!! Help me! Grunkle Ford--" Wait was that Mabel's call for help?

"Mabel? Mabel!? MABEL!!" I replied to her plead for help but sadly she didn't talk back.

My heart started to pace from panic. Then I realized I was doing it in real life.

*back, forth, back, forth*

Then two pairs of arms grabbed my shoulders. The worry on the face of the owner shown like a see-through glass. "Kid, listen, if you wanna find your sister, slowing down might help. After you're done with that, we make a plan. Then use that plan to finish this problem and get Mabel back once and for all!" Stan declared.

We were all left in awe at what he said. "Grunkle Stan, I-I." This time I didn't really finish it. I was lost for words at the moment. I'm like overwhelmed with so many mixed emotions right now.

Mabel, Stan, Grunkle Ford and the whereabouts of Tad and Bill. Even this place is giving me the chills.

I realized that I need to focus. I need to work with only one goal in mind.

And that is to get out with everyone alive.

"Dudes, what about Mabel?" Soos asked out of nowhere. Me and Stan's eyes widened as we inhaled and ran to find Mabel. Soos and Wendy remained, but I know they're worried.

"Let me go you liar! Ahh!!" Mabel's voice came from the same hallway where Grunkle Ford's room is. Unfortunately, Grunkle Ford is in there too.

Maybe he's hurt! And Mabel is forced to protect him! "This way Grunkle Stan!" I informed my uncle. He just nodded and followed me towards the dark, gloomy and narrow hallway that had way more doors than before.

The cry for help of my sister grew louder as I can feel the ground slightly vibrating. I realized that it was not the ground but the walls. It was probably shaking because of a machine or weapon, no doubt about that.

We finally reached the door with the loudest noise of all. "This is definitely it." Stan said. This time, I nodded and we both busted the door open. But we couldn't believe our eyes. I can tell by the way he just stares at the person holding his great niece.

"F-Ford?" A frightened Grunkle Stanley spoke.





Cliffhanga! So I already wrote the next chapter but I'll still be posting it next week! XP

That is all for now..

GOOD DAY AND GOODBYE!~ Awtha of da book. xD

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