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Auria's POV

I crept through the dark trees. It was late afternoon and the rain had turned into a light drizzle. I brushed away leaves and saw a small clearing with a pond. Sitting beside it was none other than Arlyn. I paused, noticing that he wasn't facing me and he was doing something. There was an image across the miniscule pond. A face. A nobleman. I hid my face but silently observed. He spoke at a normal volume to the water. It was communication magic. "The bandit group attack didn't work. They didn't get her in time and had to surrender." I silently gasped. The noble scowled. "We don't have much time. Stall them. We have the girl's name, but she's fled. Adelaide First of Air Camp. She's returning to Oderga." I shifted, crumbling a leaf. My fists clenched. Arlyn turned his head and I ducked a moment before. He went back to the message. "I'll try to slow them down. Auria will kiss up to me because I started a fight. See, the plan for Aileene is still in motion. Her soul is still shattered and Her Majesty is still within her. And that rat we're traveling with is half kaleik. He can see through souls. I'll get rid of him soon. 'Oh, I'm so sorry. A stag ran him through.'" Arlyn laughed. I snuck away, slowly getting faster til I broke into a run. I emerged from the woods, panting with tears covering my face. I quickly wiped them on my sleeve and gathered myself. "We're leaving." I commanded. Kai stood up. "You know we can't leave without Arlyn, no matter how angry you are at him. Or how angry he is at you. He'll die." I shook my head. "No, he won't. His friend will take care of him. I'll explain on the road. We need to leave. Now." He scowled and we started packing. I linked his horse to mine. When we were all packed up and ready to leave, I paused. "One minute. Make sure we're good to travel. We need to make it to the docks soon, and leave for Oderga." He nodded and started checking. I opened the bag of food supplies and pulled out a stale chunk of bread and some raw fish. Setting them in a puddle, I wrote a note. To my least favourite traitor, -Your Majesty. I pulled out my dagger and undid my braid. Holding it in a bunch, I sliced it through and threw it out in the woods. I braided some of the strands on my face to the back. I heard some rustling in the woods and sprang up. "We need to leave. Saddle up." I jumped on my horse while Kai mounted his. The disturbance grew louder and we kicked off. We were far out of sight when I hear a cry of anguish. I scowled and we rode further away.

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