
"I will let you know what they say over the next couple of days, okay?", he said.

"Alright", I said.

I was really worried about this. I could see his points but I absolutely needed to have Manda on the team. I just did not see how I could have a relationship with her if she did not know who or what I was. I trusted her, but nobody else knew her.

I also thought dad was a bit unfair in his description of Amanda. Yeah, she was young but she's not really a child. She's a very young woman. She could get pregnant. She could have a baby. She was physically fully mature. She was also very smart and sensitive, and could read people very well. She was aware.  She was definitely in tune with my feelings. It was almost like she could read my mind. I also trusted her. I wanted to tell her who I was or what I was and just let the chips fall where they fall. I needed to get closure on this. I wanted to know if she could love a neurosynth.

I could not tell Manda or anybody else that I had sex with Jill. I did not think non neurosynths would get it. I was hoping that a drug or something would eventually become available to calm our hyper sexuality down and we could end the sex. It was beyond rediculous.  I did not know where we were heading, but it seemed like a disaster.

I finally decided I would not have tons of sex with Jill on teacher's conference day like Jill wanted. I really wanted to cut out having sex with her completely and focus on my life with Manda. If I stopped having sex with Jill completely, though, she might have an emotional breakdown or go insane. I felt trapped. We needed a drug to cool her down

Jill seemed to be perfectly fine with me having her beautiful body for sex as much as I wanted.  She even suggested that I have sex with her all day long on teacher's conferences day. Jill wanted to know if there was a limit to her need for sex, and I was actually curious about that too, but I was having second thoughts.  I was pretty sure she was insatiable. I was beginning to think that the neurosynth female actually needed two neurosynth males and that the neurosynth project would have to plan on producing two male neurosynths for every female so that each female could have two husbands or two boyfriends. A neurosynth male like me, though, probably would be happy with just one female, and she wouldn't have to be a neurosynth. I would be fine with Manda. .

I looked on the web to see if there was a limit to how much sex girls could have. The girls that had the most sex were prostitutes, and the prostitutes that had the most sex were the poor teenage girls in poor countries such as Africa. These girls try to have sex with twenty or more men per day to earn enough money to survive. Unfortunately, many of them are robbed or the guys refuse to pay, so frequently they end up with no money for the day. Sadly many of them get sick with AIDS and spread it to others, and without medical care they die.

I was also worried that I was becoming like Jill and needing sex too much. That was a disaster in the making. I needed to stop.

Anyway, there was no way I could have sex twenty or more times a day. If Jill wanted to test the limits I already knew she was far superior to me or any man.

When Saturday arrived both Manda and I were eager to have our Adam and Eve date where we both go skinny dipping and pretend we were the only man and woman on earth in the Garden of Eden of Hawaii. These were our most personal, intimate, and private dates that nobody knew about. They were also our most favorite dates by far. We were pretty introverted and just liked to be together by ourselves.

We rented a Kayak, as usual, lashed it to the top of a car using a foam pad to protect the car, and then had it dropped off near the water's edge near the Captain Cook monument.  Neither Manda or I were old enough to drive so a parent always had to drive and drop us off. This time Jill did it. Non of our parents knew these were skinny dipping dates. They just thought we were only kayaking, however they thought it was weird we went through so much tanning oil.  We consumed a lot of oil because our rule was we could only apply the oil to our partner and not ourself. We liked that rule a lot.

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