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Well, I looked at mom and could not believe what I saw.  I was kind of speechless.  She just chuckled.

"Hey Cole, I know you got conked on the head but your dad told me that you could talk fine", she said.

"Yeah, I'm here", I said just staring at her.  "I'm sorry mom, I just don't know what to say."  

"Well, that's fine Cole.  Its great seeing you again.  You were out of it for some time.  How are you feeling?, she said.

"I guess I am feeling better all the time", was I all could say.  

"I guess dad said you were 38 years old, but you don't look it.  You look more like 28, if that", I said.  "I am sorry.  I am really out of it these days, I continued.  I don't think I even know my own age very well.  Dad says I am 15.  I do look like I am 15 and I think I feel like I am 15.  I am sorry.  I feel really weird."

My mom gave an interesting quick glance at my dad and then looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks, Cole, for the complement." She laughed and smiled.  Her whole face lit up again.  "Cole, your dad and I were worried about you after that fall.  We know you forgot a lot of stuff because the impact to your head was pretty strong.  I think you look great, though.  We are all going to work together to get you back to normal again", she said.

Mom walked over to the table and noticed the albums there.  She started to open some of them.

"I have not seen these for a while", she said.  "They bring back my own memories.  I hope they will help with yours."

"I think they will, mom.  I just saw a few pictures, but I can definitely imagine myself in these pictures.  It looks like I have a great sister.  I want to see her soon, if I can.  Looks like we have had a lot of fun together"

"Well, we all have had a good time together.  We are a close family and take care of each other, Cole".

I just looked at her and smiled.  Her eyes seemed to draw my attention.

"Well, I can see you have been eating breakfast, Cole.  Mind if I join you?  I enjoy watching the sun rise, but after the run I do like to eat a little bit and get some refreshing juice to drink", she said.

"Sure, mom"

She slid into the seat across from me in a graceful single motion.  My mom knew how to move in easy motions.

"Mom, do you like to dance?", I asked.

"I do, Cole, and I do some gymnastics and yoga, too, but I am getting old for some of that.  Why do you ask?"

"I don't know.  You just seem to move easily.  At first I thought it was because of your running and exercise, but it seems like there was more to it than that."

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