Surf's Up

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When Tuesday morning arrived there were a lot of things on my plate. First, I could not wait to see Manda again. This time I would sit right next to her on the bus. I was so proud of my new beautiful girl I wanted everyone to know she's my girlfriend. Since Tuesday was teacher's conferences we would get out early and have some free time so I also wanted to ask Manda out on our first date. I would propose for our date that we go to the beach. I was also not going to wear my fat clothes anymore, but I wasn't going to flaunt my muscles either. I was going to wear nice preppy button down shirts, in fact the ones that originally were in my closet before my mom swapped them out for the fat clothes. I knew the kids at the school would hate me for destroying the football team but I had to deal with that. The last and most important task I had to do was track down Tom. He was the guy that set up Manda to be raped. I did not know him but remembered what he looked like when Manda gushed at him in the lunchroom while she was being lied to. If I were living in Syria, where many of my dreams came from, I would simply kill him, but in the USA that was not an option. I did not want to get tied up with the police so I had to do something different.

It was good to be going back to school again and feeling like I was progressing again with my life. I quickly prepared myself, got dressed, and bopped down to the bus stop in high spirits.

The first thing that happened that was different was that the girl with the long blonde hair at the bus stop turned her MP3 player off and kept staring at me. She tried not to stare but she couldn't help but look at my now tiny waist and huge arms and shoulders. It seemed like she wanted to know more about me, like start up a conversation, but did not know how to do it after ignoring me all the previous days I had been at the stop. I thought that was kinda funny.

When I got on the bus Manda was beaming at me with a gorgeous smile. I immediately sat in next to her with a big smile of my own and took her hands into mine and squeezed them. She snuggled up to me and put her head on my shoulder. She was wearing kaki short-shorts today with a pink T-shirt and her silver necklace. When I wasn't looking at her beautiful face and hair I was following the beautiful curves of her legs, especially her thighs. She was amazing to me.

"I had a fantastic time with you Cole, yesterday", she said. "I just think of everything we did and loved all of it. Thank you for that".

"I loved it too and I am so proud of you now being my new girlfriend. I want everyone to know your mine. Your the best. I love being with you and am eager to have more fun with you. "

"That would be fantastic! Can we do something today?", she asked. "We only have a half day of school."

"Yeah, we think alike. Remember we talked about going to the beach? Can we do that?" I wanted to show her some of my swimming stuff, but I craved seeing her up close in her bikini too.

"Sure, I'd love that. Do you mind if I bring my girlfriend Kim with me? I usually bring her with me when I do the beach and I would feel funny leaving her out. It wouldn't be so bad for you. You get to have two girls with you at the beach." She said in a tease.

"Okay......That's fine. I'd love to meet your girlfriend. Can you meet me at the beach parking area at 2:00? We can then walk down to the beach and pick out a spot together."

"Sounds like a date", she said.

"Yep, our first date. This is going to be fun."

When we arrived at the school I looked at the parking lot where Lance and the team normally hung out with his white mustang, but it was gone. When we got off the bus Manda and I held hands all the way to the front door of the school and I carried both of our back packs. When we arrived at the door I gave her her backpack and gave her a little kiss. We then each went off to our home rooms. When Lenny saw me he gestured for me to go back outside the classroom because he wanted to talk to me. He congratulated me for not wearing the fat clothes anymore.

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