The Blank Out

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It wasn't long before I woke up again, but it was still dark. I was restless. I kept thinking of the naked beautiful girl lying next to me that I stupidly refused to have even more sex with. My whole body craved her and she had given me an open invitation for even more immediate sex. I also thought of about Manda and how wonderful and caring she was to me. I wondered if she would still feel that way if she knew the real me.

I soon fell asleep again for a while from exhaustion but then soon woke up again, maybe only an hour later, with the same thoughts on my mind but craving Jill's body even stronger than before. I could hear Jill gently breathing. I wanted so badly to just roll on top of her and have at her some more.  I would screw her hard. I needed that. Part of me still did not want Jill to know I wanted her, but most of me wanted more sex than ever. Sex with Jill was creating a need to have even more sex. I was becoming insatiable like Jill.

I found myself half watching the clock and wishing the time to start running would come right away; we could then get that done and have sex.

While lying there I thought about Jill's body and became even more restless, tingly and hard.  I had never had a beautiful naked woman sleeping in bed next to me before. I kept thinking I should just stick my hands over towards her, under the covers, and enjoy feeling her beautiful form. I wanted to glide my fingertips over her beautiful legs, her toned abs, her beautiful breasts, her shoulders, her hair. I wanted to bring my hands to her private parts and explore them and caress them with my fingers inside and out. I also knew that she would let me do this, and she'd let me do it as much as I wanted. Why else would she have placed herself naked in the bed next to me?  She wanted it.

When it got to four AM I could not take it anymore. I turned the light on and Jill woke up.

"What's wrong, Cole?"

"Nothing. I just want to start running now," I said.

"Oh, okay," she said rubbing her eyes. "Well, we are about a half hour early, but that's okay. I will get my running gear on.", she said.

Jill started to climb out of bed.  I looked on at her naked body with its firm nippled small breasts, cute butt and tiny waist as she walked out the door. My craving for sex was giving me the shakes. I found myself trembling all over and nervous too. 'Maybe instead of running I should just screw her for the next two hours', I thought.  'But what was happening to me?  I was not like this last week', I wondered.

I put my shorts and T shirt on along with my running shoes. I met Jill in the kitchen. She had on my favorite outfit of hers consisting of her yellow short shorts, white running shoes, and a crop top showing her pretty abs. She gave me a big smile. I started to get hard again, which she noticed right away, then smiled, then gave me a funny face, and then bounded out the door on the run. I knew she was going to run down to the beach and then onto the beach. That was our usual route, but it was also very dark because we were earlier than usual. The moon was just a crescent and there were some clouds; there was only enough light to see her as long as we didn't separate by much. I decided to follow behind her. I could keep an eye on her as well as watch her beautiful legs and butt work.

Running the route down to the beach wasn't much of a problem. I could easily follow her cute butt with her light colored shorts as long as I stayed close. She was a very graceful runner with long strides from her long beautiful legs. I always admired that. A few dogs barked at us as we went by,  but this early in the morning they must have been in pens as few people were up. Jill was basically running the same route I took my bike to the beach.

When we finally got to the beach we then ran through the beach parking lot, through the soft sand area where the bikini girls usually sun bathed, and then down to the hard sand just above where a gentle surf was breaking. It was a beautiful night and the tiny crescent of a moon was now reflecting on the ripples of the water's surface, forming a line of sparkle that extended out to sea. I was now suddenly in my beach element and loved it.

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