Part 20 - Preparing for the Concert

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After watching the movie. They all change clothes because they are having dinner outside. They reached home around 9pm. They bath and straight away go to bed. It's Sunday, their first concert is today. 8am all of them already woke up. Noises came from the kitchen, they all go and check it out. It was Daniel and Ethan. Daniel said, "morning!" Ethan said, "today is the day's your first concert" Daniel said, "are you guys excited?" Cecilia and The Vamps said, "yes of course" simultaneously. Ethan said, "great! Now take a seat and have breakfast" after breakfast Brad asked, "the concert start at what time?" Ethan said, "6pm" Tristan said, "6pm?!, why are we up so early..I'm tired can I go back to sleep?" Ethan said, "no guys are up early because..there's things you guys need to do before the concert starts" James asked, "what is it?" Daniel said, "well you'll be doing a meet and great at 2pm, then 4pm soundcheck and rehearsal" James said, "oh okay" Cecilia said, "meet and great? With the fans? Wow!" Connor said, "I can't wait to see the fans that have been supporting us" Ethan said, "yeah their excited to see you guys too, some of them are already queueing for the meet and great" Brad said, "seriously?! Wow, what a dedicated fans" James said, " about we record a video..saying thank you for those who are already queueing and say about the concert" Brad said, "good idea James!" Brad asked Tristan, " you have your camera with you?" Tristan replied, "'s upstairs, I'll go and take it" while Tristan take his camera, Brad, James, Connor and Cecilia find a suitable place to record. Brad said, "now..where should we stand..which view look nice, hmm" Cecilia said, "um about we stand at the gate..we can show them our house" Brad said, "that is a good idea, come" as they were walking out, Tristan came down and followed them. James said, "okay..Tristan hold up the camera like we're talking a selfie..okay good, now take turns to say something..starting with Cecilia" Tristan then press record. Cecilia said, "hello! It's Cecilia and The you guys is our first concert" James continue, "yeah we can't wait to see you!" Brad continue, "to all who are queueing right now for the meet and greet, thank you we'll see you later" Connor continue, "oh you can see, behind us is our house..our friend Daniel and Ethan rented it for us" Tristan film the house while saying, "this is the house, we love this house very's beautiful..we are staying here while the tour is going on" James said, "yeah..that's pretty much it..thank you again" Brad said, "see ya later" they all said bye simultaneously and waved goodbye to the camera. Tristan said, "okay cool..I'm going to my room now and upload this to our YouTube channel..and I'll tag you okay Cecilia" Cecilia replied, "okay Tristan" while Tristan is busy uploading the video. Brad, James, Connor and Cecilia hang out..sitting on the bench..looking at the water fountain. After about awhile Tristan came and said, "okay guys..I've already uploaded it". James said, "okay cool" Ethan and Daniel done washing the dishes join The Vamp and Cecilia who is chilling outside. Ethan said, "okay guys you can head upstairs and start packing then meet me here" The Vamps and Cecilia starts to pack, they bring their bags and instruments. Connor is done packing so he takes a sticky note and draw a smiley face on it. He hide behind his bedroom door, peaking out to see whether Cecilia is out of her room or not, so Connor waited. Finally, Cecilia is out of her room and she head downstairs. Connor quickly sneaks in Cecilia's room. He place the sticky note on the mirror. Connor quickly head out from Cecilia's room and go to his room to take his belongings. Then Connor head downstairs. They all gathered..Ethan said, "okay guys..wait for the tour bus" James said, "we have a tour bus?" Ethan said, "yes James" James said, "" while waiting for the bus Cecilia said, "um Ethan..I think I forgot something, can I go to my room and take it?" Ethan replied, "yes Cecilia, be fast" Cecilia quickly head upstairs to her room..she saw the sticky note placed on her mirror, she said to herself, "aww're so sweet..."

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