Part 4 - Upload it onto YouTube

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I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY IT TOGETHER WITH YOU GUYS!" screamed James. "well then, what are we waiting for? let's jam!" Brad said while guiding and showing the boys the studio room. They jammed to the song "What Makes You Beautiful" over and over again. They practiced for about 2 hours. Suddenly, someone said "I'm hungry"..everyone turned to look at Connor..he smiled. "Connor 's right, I'm hungry too" said Brad. "me too!" shouted James and Tristan simultaneously. "Brad is there any good food around here?" Brad replied,"hm, i do know this one place..let's go!" They arrived at the venue, Brad smiled from ear to ear..while the others say "McDonald's?!" simultaneously with their mouth open because they didn't expect it to be McDonald's, they thought Brad gonna take them to a restaurant. "yeah McDonald's" said Brad..he smile at the boys. "I thought you're gonna take us to a restaurant" said Connor. Brad replied "restaurant? seriously? we just started a band..we have not earn much money yet" Connor makes a sad face. "Don't be sad Connor, McDonald's is a food too plus it's delicious..we're gonna earn money..and then I'm sure one day we will get to eat in a restaurant, now smile" Tristan grined at Connor..he grinned back.
"let's go in and eat" said James.
They all ordered, sat down and eat. After eating, they decided to get back to the studio. They arrived at the studio. Practice again for 2-3 times. While in the middle of practicing, James suddenly asked the boys to stop playing. Brad asked James "what is it?" James replied "how about..we upload a music cover video onto YouTube?" the boys silent for a few seconds with a happy face looking at James. Tristan then said "wow James, that is a very good idea!" Brad said "yeah it is, how about we record it now hence we've been practicing and the venue is a studio..our clothes is's the perfect timing" Connor interrupted Brad.."but we need a camera don't we?" James said "oh ya camera.." "I have a camera!" everyone turned and look at Tristan. "you do?" the boys asked Tristan simultaneously. Tristan replied "yes, yes i do. I bring my camera along to everywhere i go..because aside from playing the drums..I also like taking pictures" Tristan smiled while doing a peace sign with his hand and look at the boys. The boys made a thumbs up to Tristan and then they smiled. " put your camera here Tristan" said Brad. Tristan take his camera out from his bag, placed the camera where Brad asked him to. The camera is all set up. Brad said "okay now we need to introduce ourself to the camera before we start singing and playing. I'll start first then James, Connor and Tristan..everyone okay?" "yes Brad" the boys replied simultaneously. After about half an hour..they all finished recording the video. Although the video is only a 4 minute took them 30 minutes to finish recording a perfect one..without them making mistakes or laugh almost everytime they were recording. James said "now, let's see the video and select a good one so we can upload it onto YouTube" They all leave the studio room, Tristan bring along his camera and head next door
which is the computer room with the boys. Tristan sat infront of the computer, takes his camera and pluged in the USB cable into his camera and into the computer, so it is connected. The boys laugh and laugh while searching for a good video, they came across some bloopers or funny videos of them making mistakes or being funny. It is their first time so it's fine that's normal. After laughing, scrolling and looking from video to video..they finally found one video that is perfect and good to upload. James said "nice, now we can upload" Connor then said "hurry up, I'm getting hungry with all this laughing" everyone looked at Connor and said "Connorrrr...." "okay okay I'm sorry" Connor said while grinning at the boys. James said "let's continue, we need to make an YouTube account first" Tristan interrupted James "but.. what should we name our band?"

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