Off to Isnag Tribe

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Part 3

"We've offered them the amount you instructed us sir, but still, they don't want to sell their land. I don't think there's a way to convince them." Gab reported after talking to the Isnag tribe. He has done different ways and tactics but still, the Isnag people refused.

" Gab, you really are useless! Why the hell did I hire you I don't understand!" Isaac is really mad. This can't be it. He can't be rejected. There's  no way he'll accept defeat. There must be a way!

" The head insisted that the land can't be sold to anyone who doesn't belong to their tribe. Even if we offer them the world, they won't accept it...sir." Gab doesn't want to talk anymore because whatever he'll say, he knows that it will just make Isaac madder, but he doesn't have a choice. He needs to know that what he wanted can't be materialized.

" I won't accept it." Isaac gritted his teeth. " I'l go and talk to them myself. Be ready and we'll travel early tomorrow."

Gab looked at him with wide eyes. His boss can't really accept failure. I don't think you'll succeed this time. Gab said it to himself. The young, mighty Isaac Alcantara will be rejected for the first time! He can't wait that thing to happen! Not that he hates his boss, but sometimes, he needs to be taught a lesson as well. He needs to realize that there are things that are not meant to be and meant to happen no matter how much you wanted. He needs to be reminded that he's not perfect and not everything can be bought by money.

" Gab are you listening?" Isaac was looking at him with an angry face.

"Y-yes sir!" Gab answered quickly. It' s a relief that  Isaac didn't notice him thinking of something against him.

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