Isaac's Empire

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Part 1

"Any news yet Gab? It's been three months." Isaac asked. They are having a meeting with his executive staffs. They are currently  finalizing their plan of establishing a resort in Apayao and Gab is the ones in-charge of all the legalities in the acquiring of all the needed lands.

" I' m still trying to convince the head of the Isnag group sir. He's been very firm in declining our offer. " Gab wasn't looking at Isaac while answering. He knows how violent his boss can be when he's mad. He can't look at his glaring eyes.

" Give them ultimatum! Ask whatever they want at all cost! mYou have to accomplish that job until the end of this month! "   Isaac was't even shouting but the temperature of the room is as hot as that of hell.  And Gab can only say yes.

All have left the room but he is still sitting to where he was seated during the meeting. He's been very eager to start his new project but couldn't  because of his staffs' lack of capability to convince people!

Isaac is one of the youngest billionaires in the country, he's  26 years old, he owns and develop subdivisions, and manages chain of hotels/resorts and restaurants. His parents are already dead, he only have his grandmother with him, Seniora Olivia, a wealthy 76 year old woman. Olivia was and still a powerful woman with many connections. She controls a lot of people in politics because she has been giving financial supports during election.

Now he wanted to expand his chain of resorts and he is currently planning to build a resort in the provinces, one of those is in Apayao provinces, however, a large part of the land that he wanted to buy is owned by the Isnag people. His staffs have been trying to convince the Isnag people to sell a piece of their land that can be a part of the resort that he is trying to establish but always failed. It's been three months! What is Gab have been doing all this time!

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