Why me??!

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I took my shower getting ready for bed, "Good night mom, Good night Dad, Good night John" I waved and hugged each one. "Night Heather" They all spoke. I walked up stairs down the hall and made a left to my room. I brushed my hair down then made it into a side braid. Cutting off the light hopping in bed.

I woke up all wet! I took a look to the left side of the room there sat my dog lacy. "Good morning lacy, seems like you're ready for your day huh?" I sat up rubbing her fur. I changed my sheets and blankets taking off my pillow covers also. "Finally" I took a over look at my bed. I picked up my Iphone 4 looking at the time. 

6:43 a.m.

I have enough time.. I grabbed everything I needed for a shower walking out my room into the bathroom. Taking off my clothes and hopping into the shower.

I love taking showers because I finally get me time instead of involving all the stress , work and other life things us humans think about. Showers let me clean off all the past and prepare for the future. Even though you should try to not forget all the past only some simple moments are needed to be remembered.    

Turning off the water I stepped out onto the mat I put on a black tank top with some light sky blue ripped shorts with white all star shoes. I turned on the sink water grabbing the hair shampoo applying it onto my medium long hair. I scrubbed, washed and repeat till the 3rd time. I grabbed the towel next to me and dried my hair. Just putting it into a side braid putting on a band that goes around your hair which was black. Pushing in my pearl earrings. I turned off the light. I took a look at my clock which now read 6:52 a.m. "Shit" I can't be late for the only job that pays me money to get what I want without my parents feeling like they have to step in and help. I ran to grab my phone underneath my pillow, bag ,and I ran out the room. Running down stairs my father was sitting on the couch "Hey dad! Bye dad!" I quickly said grabbing a fruit bar running out the house I gave a quick wave rushing to my car I threw my stuff in the back seats driving off. About a couple more minutes and my shift starts "HURRY THE HELL UP LIGHT" I screamed like if It would change faster. The people in the car besides me looked at me as I gave a stank look back. The light changed i drove off fast as heck.


I signed in putting on my apron placing my items into my own personal locker. "Hey Heather! Hurry up because you got some costumers at table 6" Nikki walked in then out. "Okay, I'm going as fast as I can" I spoke. Walking out to table 6. "Hi! Welcome to Stan's Bistro Restaurant. My name is Heather ,and I'm going to be your waitress for today. Can I start y'all off with some drinks?" I opened my notepad grabbing my pen. "Yes.. I'd like the pink lemonade and can I also get some water with that?" "Sure thing" I wrote it down "Uh.. Just give me a beer" The guy said "Okay.. first can I see your ID". As I looked over it approved that he was over 21. "What type of beer, Sir?" "Uh.. the Chimay Grand Reserve". "Alright.. Does the complete it for your drinks?'' "Yes" the lady said. "Okay.. Let me go get that for you" I gave them a quick but simple smile and walked over to the drinks bar and handed in the order. I can tell today is about to get busy..


I dragged my tired body to the locker room. I stuggled to open the lock as a deep but familar voice spoke "Uh... You need help with that?" I jumped a bit and turned around to a tall light skinned, ocean blue eyed, big pink lips, freckle guy. "Yeah that would be helpful" I smirked. "What's the code?" "24,1,13,3" I sat on the locker room chairs. It popped right open. "Thanks" I grabbed my stuff closing it. "No problem. Are you new here or something because I never seen you before" "Haha, no I'm not. I just have a really early shift and I don't really talk to too many people on this job maybe that's why also" "Mhm.. I never really caught your name" He stood in front of me. He smelled like ax. "Heather, what about yours?" "Justin" "Oh okay. Well I need to go.. but thanks for opening my locker for me." I smiled. "No problem". With that I left thinking about it. I hopped into my car driving back home.

"I'm home!" I yelled "Hey honey, How was work?" Mom stood and cooked. I sat ontop of the island. "It was stressful ,but good!" "That's good!" She took a look at the box which food she was cooking. "Damn" "What's wrong?" "I forgot the milk, can you go get that for me?" But.. ma now you know I'm tired and just want to sleeepppppppp!!!!!! "Sure" I hopped off the island picked up my keys and got into the car. Why me...

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