"Thank you" he said softly as I just was able to move my finger along his cheek. 

"I...love....you" I stuttered  

"I love you too" he smiled before kissing me again "now you just rest okay" he slowly pulled back before kissing my forehead, then my cheek and my lips again. I just felt the calming affect he had on me as I closed my eyes falling back asleep.


4 days later 

Sam's POV 

I watched as she slept so quietly her chest rising and falling she was beautiful in every single way. 

She was getting better but I mean she has been sleeping quite a lot in the last few days recovering she hasn't really been able to talk or anything.  

I just knew this was all my fault and I needed to tell her how sorry I was about it, I would never want to do this to her on purpose. I heard the door open as Norma made her way in. 

"Did you want to get something to eat?" Norma asked as she sat down beside me 

"Oh no it's okay" I smiled 

"Is it okay if I just talk with her you know privately?" she asked before rubbing my back 

"Oh umm yes of course" I slowly began to stand up "just afterwards can I talk to her?" I quizzed 

"Of course you can pet" she shot me a quick smile as I made my way out of the room I just didn't want to leave her I know she had her mum with her. 

As I made my way down the hall I noticed Jesy sitting and waiting. 

"Hey Sam are you okay?" Jesy asked as she noticed me getting closer to her 

"Yeah, fine just want to talk to Jade properly you know" I explained before plopping down in the seat beside her 

"I understand what you mean but it will all take time she only woke up a few hours ago she needs to rest and recover" she placed her arm around me giving me a small hug 

"I know time is the key" I forced a smile "where's Jordan?" I asked turning to face her 

"Well Ash and the other boys decided why they waited to get the chance to come visit you again they would get Nando's. Of course Jordan said yes" she giggled 

"And you didn't go with?" I asked puzzled 

"Nah I thought I'd miss it so I could wait and see Jade as soon as they let me" She explained 

"What about Leigh and Perrie?" 

"Perrie was complaining she was hungry so Leigh took her to the cafeteria to grab something to eat they will be back we want to see Jade as soon as we can" I could see how drained she was from sitting around here for countless hours waiting for some good news and when it came she wasn't allowed to see Jade yet I felt in many ways selfish. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered softly 

"For what?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face 

"Well for one putting Jade here I really didn't-" 

"Sam don't stress about it, it wasn't your fault it was an accident I know you would try to protect her with your life" she rubbed my back slowly 

"I should have been more careful or let my side of the car get hit she doesn't deserve the pain she is going through because of me" I felt a tear slid down my cheek 

"Sam seriously I know you love her with all your heart, so do the other girls and especially Norma she never stops talking about how happy you make Jade" She explained causing my smile to grow a little 

"but I still blame myself for everything" my smile faded 

"What's done is done. We can't change it we just have to deal with what is and move forward." She embraced me a big hug which made me feel a little better but until I spoke to jade about it nothing would make the ache in my heart disappear. I slowly dropped my head in my hands and just sat waiting while Jesy drew light circles on my back. 

Before long I heard a voice causing me to look up I noticed it was Norma "Sam, Jade is asking for you" she explained I looked at Jesy who gestured for me to go I gave her a faint smile and nod before standing up 

"Thank you" I smiled at Norma as I walked past and up the hall to jade's room 

I stopped at the door and took a deep breath before slowly turning the handle and walking in. As I did I saw Jade sitting up in her bed but her eyes were closed she must have fallen asleep again. 

"Beautiful?" I said softly as I walked closer to her, her eyes slowly opened 

"Sam" she replied with a whisper before patting the bed for me to sit next to her 

"I'm so sorry" I sat down beside her looking up at her beautiful brown eyes that I had longed to stare into, I felt her hand in mine before she slowly lifted it to her lips kissing it softly. 

She then gestured for me to come closer to her which I did she used what strength she had to lift her arms up and around my body I did the same pulling her close to me. 

I took in a deep breath just taking in her familiar scent that made me feel like I was on cloud nine and although she didn't speak I could feel she was happy to see me. 

"I let you fall" I whispered softly before pulling back from her 

"I don't care all I need is you to be here" she said softly which caused me to embrace her in another hug and hold her even tighter. 

"I promise I won't leave you" I whispered into her ear before pulling back 

"Will you lay with me?" She asked still dazed from her sleep. Without saying a word I got comfortable next to her wrapping my arm around her shoulders as she got comfortable in my arms resting her head on my chest I grabbed her hand in my free hand and tangled our fingers together, before kissing the back of her hand.  

"I love you so much beautiful and I promise you we will get through this together." Was the last thing I said before she fell asleep again squeezing me just a little tighter there was no way I was leaving her alone she needed me and god I needed her.

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