Chapter 13 ~ Stick to the Plan

Start from the beginning

Logan is now a cockroach eh? not bad..

"Is it gone?" I yelled downward cuz she was downstairs.

"Yeah.. its gone" She said. 


Megan's POV:

I woke up to see a face that just ruined my day. Surprised, I screamed.

"Megan whats wrong?" Emily asked from the 3rd floor.

Logan was now awake looking clueless. "Yeah its nothing I-I uh.. saw a cockroach." I said.

"I hope your not refering to me!" Logan whisper yelled as I mouthed sorry.

"Is it gone?"

"Yeah.. its gone" I said.

Logan looked at me narrowed his eyes on me. "I said sorry!" I whisper yelled. 


3 AM a while ago I went downstairs to drink some water and met Logan. We have got to stop doing this.

It seems like everything I feel is somewhat similar to what he feels. Really weird.

So we talked and eventually fell asleep. Seems like he lent me his jacket and in return I screamed at his face. Great job Meggy!

Now everybody is downstairs. "So what do have planed for today?" I asked.

"Well me and Drake are going to the market. We're going to be there for a long time." Emily said.

"Uh.. Em we got like 2 weeks supply of food in the fridge." I said.

"Uh.. Oh... then we'll just head to the mall" said Drake and Emily nodded.

"Cool I'll go with you" I said.

"Uh.. You can't be-"

"Just admit it guys! They'll find out sooner or later. You see Em and Drake are dating. So they have a date today and will spend their time at the mall" Chelsea said.

"Oh.. I never knew you guys dated. Cool!" I said.

"Uh.. yeah.. we're sort of dating.." said Drake.

"Ok... Chelsea what are you gonna do?"I asked.

"I'm going to a comic convention" She said holding out a flier.

"Uh.. Chels? that was a week ago.. see?" I said pointing out the date.

"What! I-I mean gosh you caught me! I'm going to shop for uh.. early winter wear" She said.

"Uh ok... when are you coming back?" I asked.

"Uh.. I'm not sure.." she said.

"Oh.. ok see ya guys later" I said.

"Bye Meg see ya later" said Em and Drake.

"Bye Meg" said Chelsea smiling as she closed the door.

"Guess this leaves you and me" I said.

"Sure does. They're bad at this aren't they" He said as I laughed.

"Sure are, early winter shopping? They could have done better than that."

Yes we know what they're doing. Its not gonna work. We talked about this awhile ago when we fell asleep on the counter. That wasn't part of the plan.

Logan overheard their plan so we made our own. Which was question everything and I stuck to our plan unlike Chels and the others.

We went to the balcony and sat there waiting for they're plan to begin.

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