Chapter 6 ~ Then and Now

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I woke up really dizzy. So dizzy it was hard for me to stand up. Let alone walk. So much for my awesome plan on getting better.

I walked to the bathroom but failed miserably. I fell face first on the floor. That would've been hilarious if I wasn't this sick I'd be laughing. Well this brings back the memories.

The last time I was sick like this my Rebecca told me not to play in the rain but I didn't listen so I got sick. She got so mad and I ran to a lake. Whenever I'm in a bad mood or sad cuz of my mom I run of to that lake. I used to call it 'Paradise' because the water was like the color of my eyes and there were beautiful flowers all over the place.

When I thought to that memory I remembered someone. He used to be my best friend. One day when I was walking by the lake I almost fell in but someone caught me. His name was Luke. My best friend had brown hair and eyes.

He told me that 'Paradise' would be our secret only. Until now it was only our secret.

He told me to stop crying and played with me whenever I went to 'Paradise'. One day he came there holding a necklace with a turquoise gem. He said he loved the color of the gem and it helped him everytime he was sad.

After that day I never saw him again. I still went to Paradise though. Still I miss him, he was kind and gentle. I remember him telling me he loved animals. I sometimes waited for him.. there hoping he would come back but sadly no... he didn't..

I walked to the studio shivering and I think I walked like someone who was drunk. I got to the studio and walked up the stairs but then the usual clumsy old me made me trip I fell, I was waiting for the pain. It never came then I felt someone holding my wrist.

I opened my eyes it was Logan. He hepled me up and walked me to the couch. "You should've came here. You look paler than ever." He said.

"I needed to. I wanted to and I will" I said and gave him a weak smile.

"Thank you" I said. I'm only kind to him because i'm weak I can't find any strength to tell him 'So that I can prove to you I will do anything for acting' But I couldn't.

"Logan, keep this between us. I'll act like I'm alright and you won't say a word okay?" I said.

He was silent for a few seconds..

"Please Logan. I'm begging you" I said. Where did all my pride go. I heard him sigh.

"Alright. I won't say anything." He said and I gave him a genuine smile.

Logan went to get me some water. I held the necklace that was given to me by my best friend and whispered "Where are you when I need you." I said about to cry. I sniffled "I miss you Luke I really do." I whispered my voice cracking. I dried my tears and waited.

Logan then came in then he noticed my necklace. "Thats pretty where'd you get it." He said smiling an handing me a glass of water.

"From a friend." I said taking the glass and drinking.

Soon everyone was there in the studio. From time to time Logan would look at me nervously. Weird.. maybe he thinks I might faint.

I was really dizzy my vision was doubling. I will not faint. The scene was we were outside in a garden me and Logan will be talking about my bad childhood.

"So then and there... You. You killed her didn't you." He said.

"No! It wasn't me it was.. my sister. She wanted Kate gone. I would never kill Kate." I said.

"Liar! how would you explaine that your shirt was stained with blood when the incident happened." He said.

"Because... I am Kate!" I said. My head was pounding even more than this morning. "I.. I'm sorry I couldn't tell anyone but you will keep it a secret won't you?" I said.

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