Lets Talk 4b Hair

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•4b hair is less of a defines curl patter that is in the pattern of a letter Z. Which is why is doesn't curl. It just bends into a letter z. 4b hair can either be thin, wiry, fine or even courses with many strands. Now this hair type is well known for shrinkage up to 75% of the actual hair length 😭 4b hair is savage on the shrinkage. 😎

Quick Tips💛
1. When you get done washing 4b hair it's better to use a t-shirt or microfiber towel to dry hair after washing; terry cloth will strip its natural moisture and cause tension on the strands which I know I wouldn't want neither would you. 💛

2. Coconut oil goes well for pre-pooing 4b hair. Using coconut oil will help retain natural oils within your scalp. 💛

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