Going Natural Without Cutting Your Hair❤️

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In order to go natural without cutting your hair you must eliminate many techniques and methods that are harmful towards the hair goals you may want. For example, forget all the hair tips you hear from the natural hair teacher. Natural hair teachers DON'T EXIST! They don't extist because no one can tell you how to care for your hair unless they know what your circumstance your hair is in.

When you go natural with out cutting your hair this means your going through transition. What is transition? Transitioning deals with serval different steps. I will be stating the different transitions below.

Physical transition is a process of growing out your relaxer. Sometimes this can take up to a year. But then again there is not really a limit I how long your transition may take.

Now mental transition is a process which most women get is when you change your mind on what you really want to do. For example, Oh I want to go natural but I don't want to wait on the long process of transitioning into a natural. You also have to remember you have to be ready for the different things you will encounter in your natural journey. 💞

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