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Chapter 10: Decisions

It was one of the hardest week Minho had to go through. Work is as busy as it can be. But the hardest part was settling everything on his personal life, which is now invaded by business too. Belle left for the US a few days ago. Though Minho knows he should personally see Di, he can’t afford giving himself a reason to change his mind. He has made a decision and though he knows he will regret it later, he can’t let SkyRock fall.

It was 2 sleepless nights since he broke up with Di. Di has been trying to call him. But he can’t talk to her. He needs to focus.

Samuel knows he’s been giving too much time for Minho to think, but he can’t rush things. Minho has to learn to decide on his own. And although he knows something is wrong with Sulli the past days, she just kept quiet and would not tell him what is wrong. And so Samuel is glad when he heard his secretary calling this morning to tell him that Minho has finally asked for a schedule with him. He had to give the first slot of the day even if he knows her secretary will need to work overtime just to reschedule all his appointments for the next 2 months.

Minho came in early. There is no time to waste.

“I didn’t know how hard the decision is for you, but 3 weeks was a really long time to give a Yes or No answer” said Samuel

“I apologize for just coming now.  I know the decision is long overdue, but I needed to settle some things first. I want to make sure everything is in order before telling you my decision.” Said Minho “I…I really think that SkyRock is my father’s most precious treasure.  And I won’t let it fall apart. What I mean to say is…I am accepting the condition you are asking for. I will be your niece’s fiancé.” Said Minho

“Good, I am glad to hear that. But let me tell you that my most precious treasure is not FlyAir…but Sulli. Take care of her because I am sure she’ll take good care of you.” Said Samuel

Minho knows how important Sulli is to Samuel. He can only hope that this decision  is for the good.

“Let’s meet for dinner later. I’ll ask Sulli to come.” Said Samuel

Minho’s heart start beating faster than usual. He hasn’t seen Sulli in more than a week. The last time he saw her was when she gave him the resignation letter. And he was so furious then. What will she say once she knows that the engagement is a “Go”?


Sulli doesn’t want to go to the dinner. But her Uncle said she has to. Sulli has refrained from anything social. She doesn’t go out that much the past week and even declined calls from Luna and Victoria. She exhausted her energy on working out and learning to cook from home. She just wanted some peace and quiet for a while. So when Uncle Sam asked her to meet him out for dinner. She said No. But he told her that it’s been a long time since they got out for dinner and he misses her company as if they don’t live in the same house.

Sulli dressed up a little more elegantly than usual. Her Uncle usually chooses a fancy restaurant for their dinner dates. It was her Uncle’s favorite restaurant and she already knows the table that the restaurant would always give her Uncle. In no time, so found her Uncle already waiting for her. But to her surprise, Minho is also there on the table chatting with her Uncle. She wanted to back out, she already took a step back, but Uncle Sam saw her.

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